Frontier Human Resources Association Awarded 2019 Platinum Excel Award
Dear Chapter President:
On behalf of the Society for Human Resource Management, I am pleased to confirm that your chapter has been awarded the 2019 Platinum Excel Award. This award recognizes outstanding achievements in chapter operations and a commitment to providing meaningful programs and services to your members. It also is recognition of your continued growth and development as a business leader, capable of developing strategies that lead to business success! We are very proud of your leadership and thank you for your continued partnership with SHRM.
Follow this link to take you to your award logo and press release in a variety of formats These items are a great way to “tell the world” of your accomplishment on your chapter’s stationery, newsletter, and web site. If a different format is required, please contact your Member Engagement Associate.
If you have additional concerns, or believe your award level was determined in error, please reach out to your Field Services Director.
Looking ahead, I hope you’ve had the chance to review the 2020 SHAPE and Excel Planning Documents. You can find the 2020 SHAPE and Excel documents in the Volunteer Leaders Resource Center HERE. The 2020 SHAPE year-end report is scheduled for availability during the 2nd half of the year. If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact your Field Services Director or Member Engagement Associate. Remember the deadlines for 2020 submissions are January 31, 2021 for SHAPE and March 15, 2021 for Excel.
Thanks for all you do to serve SHRM and HR professionals in your local area. We look forward to working closely with you throughout 2020.
Congratulations on your achievement.
Michael P. Aitken
Senior Vice President, Membership
Society for Human Resource Management