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8 Professional Development Sessions offered by WIND

    April 11, 2019

    *Attention Business Owners, HR Professionals, and Managers*

    The Wyoming Institute for Disabilities (WIND) is partnering with nationally recognized subject matter experts to deliver 8 professional development sessions for HR professionals, small business owners, supervisors and/or employers. The series will provide the opportunity not only to learn from experts in the field, but also to network and connect with peers. The series will begin May of 2019 and be delivered via video conferencing (Zoom).

    Employing individuals with disabilities and providing work opportunities for Wyoming youth with disabilities can result in:

    -Expanded talent pool

    -Widening of your profit margin by reducing turnover

    -Increased worker productivity

    -Increased market share

    -Good public relations and boosted customer loyalty

    WIND is recruiting an incentivized cohort of Wyoming employers to participate in this first, pilot series. This cohort will be required to attend at least 6 of the 8 sessions and will receive a stipend.

    Contact us today – space is limited! Visit , email or call 307-766-2938.