2014 Wyoming State Legislature Updates
2014 Wyoming State Legislature Updates:
The Wyoming State Legislature has completed more than half of the 2014 session; this Friday, 2/28/14, is the last day for bills to be reported out of committee in the second house. Any bills not reported out of committee by Friday will be dead for this year. Legislature currently being considered that can affect Wyoming employers include:
SF75: This bill will define misconduct in the unemployment statutes in order to promote more consistent decisions in misconduct cases. This bill is currently in committee in the house.
HB46: Wyoming Retirement System: this bill would raise contribution amounts for both the employee and the employer for both FY 2015 and FY 2016. This bill is out of committee and on the General File in the Senate.
SF81: This bill would prevent employers from asking applicants for passwords to their social media sites. This bill is currently in committee in the house.
For more information on this year’s legislative session, please visit http://legisweb.state.wy.us/lsoweb/session/SessionHome.aspx. The 2014 session ends March 7th.