Board of Director Meeting Minutes 06.18.09
Frontier Human Resource Association
Minutes of Board Meeting
June 18, 2009
The meeting came to order at 3:00 p.m. at The City of Cheyenne located at 2101 O’Neil Avenue in Room 208.
Five members were present at the meeting: Nancy Thayer, President; Chava Case, President-Elect; Andrea Hixon, Secretary; Judi Just, State Council Director; Janet Tilton, Workforce & Diversity Chair.
Approval of last month board meeting minutes wasn’t complete since Nancy hasn’t received them yet. Nancy will check with Renee since she took them for Andrea in May.
State Conference Update-
Judi stated that she received a lot of interest at the FHRA & Express Seminar. Judi wants to request a list of the people who attended the event to utilize for State Conference invites. The next meeting will be held on July 7th for the State Conference at 11:30am in Room 208. Judi expressed the need for some more volunteers for the Conference. Do we want to still split monies between chapters? Sheridan is responsible for Door Prizes and there is still a need to focus on Vendors, Sponsors, and the Registration portion of the event. Judi is concerned mainly about the Vendors instead of the Registration portion.
Some of the Sponsors so far are:
University of Phoenix
Blue Cross/Blue Shield
Department of Workforce Services
Rebecca has been working on brochures, agenda, meetings, and ordering water bottles.
Pony Xpress has volunteered to provide bags.
Judi will contact Lori at the Chamber to see if she will add an attachment to the E-Newsletter.
Nancy & Judi discussed the desire to get a copy of the Chamber Member list in order to contact those businesses that the State Conference would benefit from the most.
Janet suggested emailing Presidents & CEO’s about the importance of the changing HR laws affecting their companies even more so with the downturn of the economy.
The board also discussed the need to personally invite SOS Staffing, Adecco, and Express as Sponsors for the event.
Rebecca should be attending the next board meeting in order to give updates on the State Conference.
No meeting in July and Ken Dugas scheduled for August 25th, different meeting day.
Committee Members: Membership, Newsletter-
Janet volunteered for Newsletter and Membership Chair position since Brenda Birkle has Workforce Readiness & Diversity under control. Nancy will send Janet the template for the Newsletter.
Members At Large List-
Nancy went through the Cheyenne ones and sent an email to them. She hasn’t received any responses from the emails.
Other Topics-
HR Study group update-Janet and Faith are still meeting on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday for approximately an hour and a half. Janet will advertise the opportunity in the September Newletter once they resume the group for the next test cycle in December/January.
Janet hired a new HR Generalist at Western States Learning Corporation. He started a Student Chapter at Colorado State University and she will ask him to join our group once he gets settled into his new position. John Pettyjohn and Barb Esquibel are on the Student Chapter Committee so they would welcome any additional volunteers.
Chava gave an update on the Survey sent through Survey Monkey and some of the results were:
- They like it
- They will pay if their employers don’t
- The issue is more of scheduling conflicts
The board discussed the importance of keeping the meeting date and time frame the same.
The bill was split for the Seminar with Express. Our share was $822.00.
Andrea will add the Board Meeting times and dates to the website to encourage members to attend the Board Meetings.
New Business-
Basket for WBLN-Nancy hasn’t received any takers for the committee. Judi suggested recruiting Christy McAffee and thought that Marla Lewis would be a good source of information for tentative contacts for donations. Chava suggested that we have Marla sell the idea again since most people don’t truly understand what the Wyoming Business Leadership Network is all about.
Nancy stated we may be able to get Frontier Days’ tickets for next year for the basket. Frontier Days was mentioned as a theme for the basket. Other ideas were to ask for hotel night stays, two nights for Cheyenne Frontier Days for 2010.
Secretary Report-Andrea Hixon
Andrea still has outstanding invoices for the following:
Bob Blanchard-June No Show
Michelle Bates-June No Show
Aaron Kor-May No Show
Next board meeting will be on July 16th at 3:00pm in Room 208 at the City of Cheyenne located at 2102 O’Neil Avenue.
The meeting adjourned at 3:55 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Andrea Hixon
Secretary 2009