Board of Director Meeting Minutes 06/19/08
Frontier Human Resource Association
Minutes of Board Meeting
June 19, 2008
The meeting came to order at 11:40 a.m. at The City of Cheyenne located at 2101 O’Neil Avenue Room 307.
Five members were present at the meeting: Judi Just, President; Andrea Hixon, Secretary; Rebecca Spitsbergen, Treasurer; Chava Case, Legislative Chair; Renee Ashworth, Membership Chair.
Judi distributed the Agenda for the Board meeting to all attendees.
The Board approved the last board meeting minutes with the additions/corrections per emails.
Old Business
Casper Conference will be held on September 25-26.State Leadership will be September 24th starting at Noon. The theme of the conference is HR in WY-Expanding our toolkit. Judi stated that things are moving along but no flyers or brochures at this time. Diana will be performing Leadership Training again this year. Judi and the board were hoping for a National SHRM speaker. The Board discussed the Conference and organization of the Casper Conference. If anyone knows of any vendors then please let Reid Barr or Judi Just know because of previous delays contacting vendors.
The Board discussed the Evaluation forms from the previous seminar and meeting. The majority of the comments were positive except for the following:
Seminar on Succession Planning-
More Breakout Sessions
Room was too hot
Length of Seminar too long
Too Noisy
Request on how to figure HR calculations so Chava will place the information into the next Newsletter since on the SHRM website.
Meeting on Conflict Management-
Room was too hot
Room wasn’t big enough
Parking was an issue
The Board discussed the open meeting months still for August, October, and November.
New Business
State Conference 2009 in Cheyenne- We already have the following 7 volunteers:
Nancy Thayer
Rico Childers
Rebecca Spitsbergen
Chava Case
Anna Hutchinson
Barb Esquibel
Mary Petroski
The winning Theme name by 2 votes was “Driving the Wind of Change” with 2nd place Theme of “Facing our Future”. The Board discussed offering the opportunity also to the Laramie area.
The Board also decided to let the State Conference Committee discuss whether to have a re-vote/contest between the top two choices.
Program Committee Report-
The Board discussed the following program idea topics:
Mines and Associates-Patrick could speak on a wide range of topics.
Employee Benefits-Awaiting outline of presentation
Diversity Issues-Mines and Associates
The Board discussed and decided on showing the Starbucks-Trust Travels DVD and Generational Differences DVD with group activities for the August meeting. Renee Ashworth will assist with the presentation. Be sure to make copies of the handouts for the attendees.
Membership Committee Report-Renee Ashworth
Renee has a possible new member after networking with Nancy Bales with Holland & Hart at the meeting.
Andrea will send the Board Members Membership Applications and Benefits of Membership documents.
The Board looked over the current Member Spreadsheet and Members who haven’t renewed from 2007. Judi will contact Tammy or LaShonne to obtain a copy of the National SHRM Members at Large List.
Judi mentioned utilizing the newspaper want ads to establish new contacts since Renee already utilizes them.
Renee and the board discussed a variety of potential contacts of HR who would benefit from joining FHRA.
Governmental Affairs/Diversity Report-Chava Case
Chava placed information on new legislation for GINA in the June newsletter.
Chava discovered some great ideas in the Grassroots Advocacy PowerPoint offered by SHRM. These ideas can be possible resources of how to create/form a Legislative Day inside the District.
Other upcoming legislation, Colorado is considering adapting Right to Work Status.
SHRM will have additional information on how to get the word out about the upcoming General Election.
Don Morris, a former Legal Studies Teacher, may be a possible speaker for an upcoming meeting since he still actively follows the Legislative process.
Important Dates to remember:
- July 24 Minimum Wage increases to $6.25 an hour
- November 1- Additional responsibility by requiring compliance with FACT Act (Fair Credit Act) when pulling a credit report if address is wrong then a new method of correcting the misinformation.
Newsletter-Chava Case
Chava stated that it is good to hear feedback on the newsletter and it is becoming a resource for our members.
Foundation Report-Rebecca Spitsbergen
Rebecca looked at the scholarship for the Chapter. Rebecca is trying to plan on how we would use the funds for the SHRM Learning Center and also request matching funds from the Workforce Center. The cost of the SHRM Learning Center is $750.
The board discussed what we would like to see happen with the funds if we request them. Most ideas were to purchase the SHRM Learning Center and establish a study group for members in order to test for Certification of SPHR or PHR.
The board discussed how the LCCC class was going since Judi spoke with Susan Alms. Susan stated that originally 20 people were attending but now the class size is down to 8.
The board discussed time frames for the testing windows for Certification and believes the tests are held in June & Fall. Pro-Metric Testing Center locations are in Casper, WY or Longmount, Colorado.
Renee stated that the SHRM Learning Center has lots of questions on the CD’s and as a study group; they would discuss the questions to prepare for the test.
The board discussed the importance of analyzing different topics and having a SPHR volunteer to facilitate the study group. We would also need a keeper of the SHRM Learning Center for check in and out responsibility.
The Board decided no charge for members who wanted to participate in the study group.
Andrea will develop a Questionnaire to email to Members for their feedback such as interest in participating, how often to meet, when to meet, and other questions or comments.
Rebecca will draft a proposal for the scholarship.
Secretary Report-Andrea Hixon
Andrea invoiced the following for No Shows/No Payment for the June meeting and May Half-Day Seminar:
University of Phoenix, Trina Mosalik (3) June luncheon
Attention Homes-(5) for the June luncheon
Jennifer McMaugh-Seminar
Bob Blanchard-June No Show
Brenda Birkle-June No Show
Lonny Pfau- June No Show
Mary Petroski-June No Show
The Board discussed the large amount of invoicing for non-payment at registration for meetings. The Board decided no billing for payment accepted except for No Shows. Other suggestions would be to promote purchasing the lunch punch cards or recommending attendee(s) to pay for the meeting then submit reimbursement from their company.
Chava and Andrea will emphasize this issue in the upcoming emails and newsletters.
Treasurer’s Report-Rebecca Spitsbergen
Rebecca distributed copies of the Checking Account Balance of $10, 452.00 as of 5-31-2008. Rebecca also handed out copies of the Balance Sheet for the month of June with an ending balance of $10, 529.00.
The board decided to match the 50/50 SHRM Foundation Raffle.
The board discussed receiving bids for the 2009 State Conference location.
Next Board meeting will be on July 24 at 11:30am in Room 208 at the City of Cheyenne.
The meeting adjourned at 1:10 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Andrea Hixon
FHRA Secretary 2008