Board of Directors Meeting Minutes 11/02/06
The meeting began at 11:00 a.m. at the City Building, Room 208. Present at the meeting were President Allen Andrews, Vice President Judi Just, Secretary Darlene Kaelin, and Treasurer Nancy Thayer.
Approval of Minutes
Minutes of the September 19, 2006 Board of Directors Meeting were approved by the Board as submitted.
Treasurer’s Report and Related Items
Nancy presented the October treasurer’s report. It was approved by the Board. The one page report is attached to these minutes and incorporated herein by reference.
Receipts for October included $722.00 for the half day seminar attendance. Nancy asked Darlene for a list of people who have not yet paid for the seminar. Following is a list. We are still owed $421.00.
Sandy |
Bordson |
American National Bank |
49.00 |
Brad |
Brookes |
49.00 |
Randy |
Hayes |
49.00 |
Ron |
Haun |
49.00 |
Jim |
Hughes |
49.00 |
Kathy |
Kellner |
49.00 |
Leo |
Maestas |
49.00 |
Marc |
Thayer |
29.00 |
Chaney |
Webber |
49.00 |
A $30.00 check from DynoNobel issued June 26, 2006 and found just recently by Allen was determined to be payment for the membership of Bill Storinger. Nancy has deposited the check after speaking with the accounting person at DynoNobel.
Allen said we will be required to submit an annual financial report to SHRM. He is waiting to hear back more information from his contact at SHRM.
State Conference Report
Allen asked Judi to give a report on the State Conference in Sheridan since she is the only board member who attended.
She said it was well attended with approximately 50 people.
Marilyn Hoppen announced her resignation from her position with SHRM.
One of the presentations was on Methamphetamine Awareness geared toward employers and how to tell if an employee is using. Judi said it was really good and she would like to see us bring that presentation to our Cheyenne Chapter. It was 3 hours long, so we would have to make it into a half day seminar.
The entertainment was a ‘50’s band that was very good.
October Half Day Seminar
Allen said he received feedback from some Home Depot folks that they thought the presenter was not knowledgeable, was ill-prepared and the information presented was too elementary.
Judi had the Mountain States evaluations from the meeting and she read several of the comments. The evaluations were mixed. The evaluations are attached to these minutes and incorporated herein by reference.
Allen said he does not like the format of the Mountain States evaluation. He would like to redesign the evaluations for the future. Darlene said she could send him an example of the LCCC course evaluations.
November Monthly Meeting
Allen and Darlene have designed a ballot to use for the annual Board of Directors election to take place at the November 21 meeting. Darlene will make up enough copies of the ballot and bring them to the meeting on the 21st. Darlene will include in the monthly e-mail notice the following verbiage: “The Board is recommending the following individuals for the following positions. Write-in candidates will also be accepted.”
The November speaker will be Betsey Gusea. Allen will follow up with her this week concerning the survey she plans to distribute. He will let Darlene know if she needs to attach anything to the monthly e-mail.
December Monthly Meeting
Allen has confirmed entertainment for the December holiday gathering. A choir from East High School will perform at 12:30. We will not provide them with lunch due to their tight schedule, however, Nancy suggested that we give them some Eileen’s Cookies as a thank you.
The December gathering will take place at the Hitching Post and we will utilize it as a membership drive event and make it free to all attendees. Darlene said she will make copies of the membership application to have on hand for people to complete and submit that day, rather than having to go to the website to join. Nancy suggested we also have a calendar of meetings for 2007 to distribute.
Allen suggested that we obtain table centerpieces and then give them away as door prizes.
The board discussed having attendees bring ornaments to decorate a tree to be given away to charity. Several ideas were tossed around, and we definitely want to do something community oriented, but we will discuss it more at our next board meeting.
Special Chairs
Allen asked if anyone had any changes to the Legislative Chair Job Description that he e-mailed earlier in the week. No one had any changes.
We will invite our new Chairs, Veronica Pedersen and Andrea Hixson to attend our next board meeting on November 30.
The board discussed the University of Phoenix scholarship application that Allen had e-mailed to them prior to the meeting. After much discussion, the board will not pursue the scholarship at this time.
Darlene said she is behind in posting the most recent board meeting minutes. She will get those posted soon. We will keep 12 months of minutes active on the site.
Darlene asked about the need for member notebooks in 2007. Since most of the information is now on our website, we will probably not require notebooks for next year. Darlene said she has 6 notebooks in stock and we can use those for 2007. We shouldn’t need any more than that.
Allen asked Darlene or Nancy to keep the board apprised on the goings-on of the Southeast Wyoming Alliance group. Darlene said she takes minutes for their meetings and she will forward a copy of the minutes to the FHRA board members.
The meeting adjourned at 12:30 p.m. Our next meeting will be November 30 at 11:30 at the City Building room 208.
Respectfully submitted,
Darlene Kaelin
2006 FHRA Secretary