Board Meeting Minutes 12.06.09
Frontier Human Resource Association
Minutes of Board Meeting
December 6, 2009
The meeting came to order at 1:00 p.m. at Chava Case’s house.
Five members were present at the meeting: Nancy Thayer, President; Chava Case, President-Elect; Andrea Hixon, Secretary; Renee Ashworth, Treasurer; Janet Tilton, Membership/Newsletter/Legislative.
Old Business
Christmas Party-Nancy has found poinsettias for the tables. Andrea will bring the radio and music. Renee bought 48 small ornaments and added cute ribbons with a small note, Happy Holidays from FHRA.
Andrea verified the Jammin’ Jumpers performance at the Holiday Event. They will arrive around 11:45 since they have to return by 12:45. They will perform as soon as they arrive. The board discussed a $50 donation to the group.
Following the entertainment, there will be drawings for prizes and awards will be given. We will also have the normal free lunch drawing and 50/50 Raffle.
The board discussed the ‘Sucker in Charge Award’ by having a plaque made at Wyoming Trophy & Engraving.
The board decided to place a dot on the ornaments for the door prizes.
The board discussed ensuring the contract for luncheons at the Holiday Inn. Andrea verified this with Jo. Jo will email us the contracts.
Review of By-Laws
The board discussed changing term limit for board members from one year to two years. Nancy stated that it should be an option. So, if we have the 2 year requirement and have a board member who decides they can only serve for one year then we could hold a special election or have the President appoint the position. The board discussed staggering positions to avoid having a totally new board and to incorporate succession planning. The board discussed adding Vice President of Membership as a Board Member to ensure a quorum if we have missing board members. This would move our Board member count to 7. These changes would have to be approved by Dianna Gould, Field Service Director then send all proposed changes out to membership then for final approval by National SHRM. The board discussed adding wording such as, “If we don’t hear from you then we assume you accept the changes.”
Other tentative positions that could be added as a voting board member in the future are:
Vice President of Diversity
Vice President of College Relations
Vice President of Workforce Readiness
Renee made a motion to amend the by-laws to- By-laws require a 2 year term with a maximum of 1 term per board member position and add Vice President of Membership as a voting Board Member. Nancy made the second motion and Chava stated all in favor say I and all were in agreement.
Job Descriptions
Chava passed out copies of the Board members’ job descriptions. Janet will incorporate these into the newsletter for awareness.
Rebecca Spitsbergen has volunteered to assist with Newsletters and Programs.
Other Business
Janet will give the National SHRM key chains to give to new members of FHRA.
The board discussed a possible HR Roundtable program for the January meeting. Renee will search some case studies from National SHRM. The board would facilitate the discussions at the individual tables.
The board suggested adding introductions of existing members after new members have introduced themselves. Another idea was to assign new members a ‘Buddy Member’ to show them the ropes.
All correspondence needs to have the affiliate of SHRM logo. We don’t have the logo on our name tags so the board discussed utilizing the lanyards with paper name tag inserts. The business cards also would need updating for compliance. Renee volunteered to work on this project.
Janet recommended an after hours meeting to allow a different clientele to attend FHRA functions. The board discussed holding an additional meeting every quarter besides the normal lunch meeting. The Country Club may be a good location to hold a wine & cheese after hours event. The Chamber of Commerce mailing list could be used for the invitations.
The President will announce the ability for FHRA members to attend Board Member meetings since the Board isn’t sure this common information.
Renee suggested sending out membership renewal invoices to existing members in November as standard practice. Also, those invoices give the option to pay for 2 years of FHRA membership and FHRA to give a discount on the State Conference that year.
The board brainstormed about adding a drawing for free FHRA membership and National SHRM Membership at the holiday event. Another idea was to introduce a scholarship for National SHRM membership to promote 100% National SHRM membership in order to eliminate dues. The board decided to table this idea because of the budget.
Pro-rating membership was an idea since testimonials are showing that it works and brings in more people to the local chapter. Janet will survey people to see if this benefit will offer the option of pro-rating membership dues.
Janet requested the chapter to purchase instructional materials for the HR Study Group and thought the attendees need to buy their books to encourage more buy-in.
Initiatives need to be posted on the website and in the newsletter.
Chava mentioned Anna Hutchinson’s goal for Foundation Chair to increase contributions by 50%. Chava stated Amy Stinson’s goal for Diversity is unknown at this time but may be geared around returning troops from Iraq. Andrea discussed a goal for Workforce Readiness to gain more Career Readiness Certificates/Work Keys Awareness. Janet has a goal as Membership Chair to increase the chapter’s membership by 10%, for HRCI to have 2 work sessions, and for Legislative to post the updates in the Newsletter.
Chava discussed board members reporting any hot topics at our luncheon.
The board discussed being active in some of the community projects:
Climb Wyoming
Dad’s Making A Difference
United Way Women’s Initiative
Laramie County Community Partnership-Circles
Social Networking-Chava will setup a Facebook organization account and post topics for monthly meetings.
The board expressed the need for an FHRA booth at College Orientation and the need to purchase materials, tablecloth, and a banner, for the event. Also, have a membership drive on to incorporate at large members.
The meeting adjourned at 4:00p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Andrea Hixon
Secretary 2009