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Board of Directors Meeting Minutes 9/19/06

    The meeting began at 11:30 a.m. at the City Building, Room 122. Present at the meeting were President Allen Andrews, Vice President Judi Just, Secretary Darlene Kaelin, and Treasurer Nancy Thayer.

    Presentation by the Chamber of Commerce Community Pride Committee

    Betsey Gusea and Katie Ferrari with the Community Pride Committee were special guests at the meeting to discuss workforce issues with the FHRA board members. They are looking for solutions to entice people to Cheyenne to work. They put forth the following ideas: (1) A representative from the Chamber to speak with the spouse/family of a job candidate and show them around town. (2) A video produced by Images magazine to sell Cheyenne could be used as a recruitment tool. (3) Go to the high schools to apprise them of the type of skills that are needed.

    Betsey would like feedback from the FHRA membership. Specifically, what does the FHRA membership think would be advantageous to help with recruiting to Cheyenne?

    Nancy said that there are a lot of other organizations working on these same issues, for example, the Southeast Wyoming Workforce Alliance and also LEADS. Nancy would hope that all the organizations could combine their efforts and resources. Betsey said the Chamber has been working closely with DWS, LEADS and SEWWA.

    Betsey and Katie would like to meet with our membership to find out what their recruitment needs are. The Chamber has the capability of doing an e-mail survey or a focus group.

    It was decided that Betsey and Katie will work to get an e-mail survey ready to send out to our members before our November meeting, and then they will attend our November meeting to follow up the survey with a round table discussion.

    Approval of Minutes

    Minutes of the August 24, 2006 Board of Directors Meeting were approved by the Board as submitted.

    Treasurer’s Report and Related Items

    Nancy presented the August treasurer’s report. I was approved by the Board. The one page report is attached to these minutes and incorporated herein by reference.

    Of particular note is the eighty dollars received from National SHRM for our 2nd quarter membership (16 FHRA/SHRM members) and the final invoice from Mile high Computer has been paid.

    Nancy has a good start on a yearly budget report. She showed the group a template to be used. Her goal is to work up a budget for year 2007.

    Allen said we will be required to submit an annual financial report to SHRM. He will check to see if they have a template to use for the report or if we have to come up with our own report.

    State Conference

    Allen, Judi and Nancy will attend the State Conference. Darlene will not be attending.

    Chava Case and Christine Gervais were the only two interested in car pooling, and Darlene has put them in contact with each other.

    Allen said there are approximately 30 attendees registered for the State Conference. He said he would e-mail Darlene the names of the conference attendees so that she can do name badges. He also requested her help with some entrée tents for chicken or steak. He would like for the tents to have “Wyoming State Council 2006” printed on them. Darlene said she would take care of it.

    Our chapter will provide at least four and maybe five door prizes for the conference not to exceed $30.00 per door prize.

    Ø Nancy will provide two door prizes from SOS Staffing. (2)

    Ø Allen has ordered a book from the SHRM store for a door prize. (1)

    Ø Judi will obtain a door prize from Underwood Florists. (1)

    Ø Allen has tried to reach Susan Adams at WinHealth for a door prize, but she has not returned his calls.

    Monthly Meetings/Speakers/Annual Conferences

    Allen asked Darlene to send a reminder next week about the October half day seminar. Darlene said to date we have received five confirmed registrations for the seminar. Judi said that Mountain States Employer’s Council will need a firm count by October 9. Darlene said she has posted the seminar flyer on the website. Nancy has placed the ½ page color ad with the Chamber for a cost of $130.00, which the board agreed was very reasonable.

    The November speakers will be Betsey Gusea and Katie Ferrari. They will do a round table discussion. We will also need to conduct our annual election for board members at the November meeting.

    Candidates for President, President Elect and Secretary are in place, but we need a candidate for Treasurer. We would also like to appoint a Membership Chair. Allen e-mailed a Membership Chair job description to the board members prior to the meeting for their review. No one recommended any changes to the job description.

    The board identified the following possible candidates for Treasurer: Rebecca Spitzbergen, Chava Case, Pam Acosta, Andrea Hixson. Judi volunteered to call Rebecca, and if she is not interested, then we will proceed to contact the others.

    Possible candidates for membership chair were identified: Andrea Hixson, Veronica Pedersen. Allen said he would contact Andrea and Darlene will talk to Veronica.

    The board discussed entertainment for the December meeting. Nancy suggested bringing ornaments to decorate a tree. Allen wants to check into singing groups at the High Schools or college.

    Allen said he will most likely call a special meeting of the board to work on the Chapter Achievement Plan which will need to be submitted in January.


    Allen said the University of Phoenix has contacted him and would like to discuss a 2007 scholarship. Allen will meet with them in October.


    Allen asked Darlene to add links to our website for the SHRM Foundation and HRCI. Darlene said that there is already a link for the SHRM Foundation. She will check into getting one to HRCI. This will give us extra points on the Chapter Achievement Plan.



    The meeting adjourned at 1:00 p.m. Our next meeting will be October 26 at 11:30 at the City Building room 208.

    Respectfully submitted,

    Darlene Kaelin

    2006 FHRA Secretary