Board of Directors Meeting Minutes 7/6/06
Frontier Human Resource Association
Minutes - Board of Directors Meeting
July 6, 2006
Attendees: Allen Andrews, President; Judi Just, Vice President; Darlene Kaelin, Secretary; Nancy Thayer, Treasurer
The meeting began at 11:30 a.m. at the Hitching Post Inn, Executive Room.
Judi briefed the board on her recent trip to the National Conference in Washington, D.C.
Approval of Minutes
Minutes of the June 1, 2006 Board of Directors Meeting were approved as submitted.
Treasurer’s Report and Related Items
Nancy distributed the treasurer’s report for June 2006. The report is attached to these minutes and incorporated herein by reference.
A $50.00 donation was made to the SHRM Foundation on 6/2/06.
Nancy has begun to put together a basic budget for 2006. She circulated an example of a document she generated using QuickBooks. We need to figure out our projected revenue and expenses to plug into the budget. Following are the known sources of our revenue and expenses. Nancy and Allen will do some research to come up with projected revenue and expense figures.
Revenue Sources |
Expense Items |
Monthly Lunches |
Monthly Lunches |
Membership Dues |
Seminars |
National Membership Rebate |
Website Maintenance |
State Conference |
Giveaways |
Nancy said the Chamber of Commerce has corrected our name to Frontier Human Resource Association. She presented copies of information on the Chamber’s non-profit membership program. The annual dues would be $150.00 versus $325.00. This fee does not include committee representation or discounted advertising. The non-profit classification would give us a web link and presence on a well-traveled web site, for the main purpose of recruiting members. The board agreed that we should be listed as a non-profit with the Chamber. Nancy will complete the application and finalize the process.
We do not have any outstanding payments due for “no-shows” to the June lunch meeting.
Monthly Meetings/Speakers/Annual Conferences
Meeting evaluation forms were available at the June meeting; however, none were completed and submitted to the board. Allen suggested that we come up with an incentive for people to fill these forms out, such as a monthly drawing for a prize. He will surf the SHRM website for cost effective prize giveaways.
We will not have a meeting in July due to Frontier Days.
Darlene provided the board members with handouts of the SHRM PowerPoint slide show. The slide show is tailored to a membership drive meeting, so the board decided not to use it for the August meeting. Instead, Judi may give a presentation on her trip to the National Conference in D.C. and we may pair her talk with a video “Fueling the Talent Engine” that Allen received from National. We’ll discuss this more at our next meeting.
In September the State Conference takes place, so we will not have a monthly chapter meeting.
In October the board would like to host a half day seminar. Judi will review the CD’s she brought back with her from the National Conference and recommend some topic suggestions at our next meeting. All board members will do their best to come up with topic suggestions as well.
In November we will be holding elections for board members. Judi will run for President, Darlene will run for Secretary. Nancy will think about whether she wants to run for Treasurer again, or Vice President. Allen will stay active with the board as Past President. We will consider chair positions for next year.
For December we need to be thinking of a location and entertainment for the holiday meeting.
The Fall Leadership Conference will be in Alexandria, D.C. on November 9 through November 11. Judi confirmed that she will attend this conference. She will purchase her airline tickets and the chapter will reimburse her.
The board discussed advertising via an insert in the Chamber of Commerce Newsletter possibly in September. Allen will check prices with his contact at a local printing shop, and we will have to find out what the deadlines are to submit the advertising.
The board discussed appointing a Membership Director right now instead of waiting until next year so that they would be on board for our membership drive in January. Allen will obtain the job description for Membership Chair. We will review our list of potential candidates and at our next meeting decide if we will proceed.
Affiliate Logo
Allen asked for a list of all the documents that we have added the affiliate logo to. Darlene said that the following documents all have the logo, and she provided a sample copy of each to Allen:
- Board of Director Minutes
- Monthly Meeting Minutes
- Table Tents
- Lunch Receipt
- Fax Cover Sheet
- Meeting Evaluation Form
- Why Join? Document
- Mission Statement
- E-Mail Meeting Announcement
- Notebook Cover
Darlene will e-mail the logo to Nancy so that she can add it to the treasurer’s report.
A problem has arisen with the University of Phoenix scholarship. The University has put forth specific criteria for scholarship application of which we were not aware, and which doesn’t match with the process we have already utilized. We feel the application process is complete and we should immediately award the scholarships. Allen is in the midst of ironing this out with a contact at the University of Phoenix Denver office named Tammy. Allen will keep us apprised of next steps.
We are debating whether or not to keep the “www” versus “http” for our website. Allen is communicating with Ryan at Mile High Computers. We need to know what the cost would be to keep www. The board feels that if the cost is the same or less, that it would be worth it to keep www as it is most widely known. We must resolve this issue before we can notify members of the new website and their password.
The board discussed publishing the monthly luncheon meeting minutes on the website. There was no apparent benefit to doing so, and it was decided that the minutes will not be published on the website.
Nancy has drafted a press release to announce that the Frontier HR Association has been awarded the Honorable Mention Chapter designation by SHRM. She will send it to the board members for review.
Allen distributed a SHRM Leaders Guide to each board member for their reference. It contains a lot of good information for us as volunteer leaders and Allen encouraged all to read it.
The meeting adjourned at 1:15 p.m.
Our next board meeting will be at 11:30 a.m. on July 20 at the Hitching Post Inn.
Respectfully submitted,
Darlene Kaelin
2006 FHRA Secretary