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Board of Directors Meeting Minutes 3/1/07

    Board of Directors Meeting Minutes 3/1/07

    The meeting came to order at 11:36 a.m. at the Municipal Building Room 208. Present at the meeting were: Chava Case and Andrea Hixson, Legislative Chairs; Judi Just, President; Darlene Kaelin, Secretary, Rebecca Spitsbergen, Treasurer, Nancy Thayer, President Elect

    President-Elect Report

    Nancy had some receipts to give to Rebecca for some bank deposits that she made in Rebecca’s absence. Nancy asked if the Hitching Post has been paid for the February lunches. Judi said yes, they have been paid.

    Nancy suggested that Rebecca give her an extra check book so that at least two board members will have checks to use. Rebecca also mentioned obtaining a debit card.

    Secretary Report

    Prior to the meeting Darlene e-mailed the member roster for 2007 to each board member. We have 38 members and 2 pending.

    The group confirmed the need to have lunch RSVP’s received no later than 1:00 p.m. the Monday before the meeting. If anyone asks to attend after 5:00 p.m. on Monday, they will not be allowed to attend. We have had requests from people who would like to attend the meeting, but not eat. In this case, the person will still be required to pay the $11 or $15 fee.

    Darlene is going to redesign the lunch receipts so that we have only one and folks will fill in their own names and amounts. This should speed up the registration process.

    Nancy suggested that we have a second, separate table in addition to the registration table. The purpose of the second table would be for people to use to make out their checks, to enter the business card drawing, and to participate in the 50/50 raffle. Judi asked Rebecca if she would man this table, and she agreed. Darlene will make a sign for the “suggestion box.” A second table should speed up the registration process as well.

    The group discussed having an ice breaker. Nancy is going to take charge of this. The plan will be to have a question typed up on a small sheet of paper for each attendee to pick up after they register.

    Darlene gave several checks and two bank statements to Rebecca to process.

    Membership Report


    Judi reported in Veronica Pedersen’s absence. Since the last board meeting, Veronica has recruited one person to join, and that was Sylvia Hackl.

    Chava suggested that we ask the Chamber to announce our group to the Cheyenne Young Professionals.

    Treasurer Report

    Judi gave Rebecca the 4th quarter membership check from SHRM. The check was in the amount of $210.00.

    Before the next lunch meeting, Rebecca will obtain two zipper bags, one for petty cash and one for the 50/50 raffle. She will take $80.00 in cash from the checking account to fund the petty cash bag, and $20.00 in cash to fund the raffle bag. Judi said she has a list of the cash denominations that Allen usually obtains for petty cash, and she will forward the list to Rebecca.


    Legislative Report

    Andrea discussed the following bills:

    Workers Compensation Co-Employee Immunity Bill

    Quality Child Care Bill

    Minimum Wage Bill

    Methamphetamine Cleanup Bill

    Free Colonoscopy


    The group decided it would be worthwhile to forward via e-mail information on the minimum wage bill to our members. Andrea said that DWS has free minimum wage posters.

    Judi brought to Andrea and Chava’s attention that Reed Barr is the state council legislative chair.

    State Council Report

    Judi said that Allen was not at the meeting today because he is on his way to Portland for leadership training. We will ask for a report from Allen at our next meeting.

    March Meth Seminar

    Darlene said that 9 people have enrolled in the seminar to date.

    Judi said that the Board of Public Utilities is considering sending 25 people to the seminar, but they have asked for a group discount. After much discussion, it was decided that Judi will tell them that a group discount of $5.00 off per person is available for FHRA members who bring at least 10 people from their company.

    Judi asked Rebecca for a check to the Hitching Post Inn in the amount of $120.00 to pre-pay for the lodging for the seminar presenters.

    Rebecca said she saw the seminar advertisement in the Chamber Newsletter. She said it looks good. Nancy said we should send a thank you to Angie for putting that in for us.

    Andrea asked if she should e-mail the Meth Seminar flyer to her employer e-mail list and Judi thought that was a good idea.

    Monthly Meetings

    The Department of Labor will present at the April meeting. The board picked out the topic of “Dislocated Workers.”


    Judi said anyone planning to attend the March 31 leadership training in Casper must let her know by March 14. Nancy expressed an interest to attend.

    As we were running out of time, the group decided to table the following topics until our next board meeting:

    Ø Revision of the By-Laws

    Ø Rolling SHRM PowerPoint


    The meeting adjourned at 1:00 p.m. The next board meeting will be on March 29, 2007 at the Municipal Building room 208.

    Respectfully submitted,

    Darlene Kaelin

    FHRA Secretary 2007