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Board of Directors Meeting Minutes 1/25/07

    The meeting came to order at 11:37 a.m. at the Municipal Building Room 122. Present at the meeting were: Andrea Hixson, Legislative Chair; Judi Just, President; Darlene Kaelin, Secretary and Rebecca Spitsbergen, Treasurer

    Secretary’s Report

    Darlene reported that she is receiving a lot of membership applications. She said that she expired everyone who has not paid their 2007 dues from the website.

    Judi said that she would like for us to track retention. Darlene has a list of 2006 members that we can compare to the 2007 member list once it is available.

    Legislative Report

    Andrea said she was not able to access the national SHRM website legislative information.

    She said the Wyoming State Legislature is not currently working on any bills that will affect HR.

    Judi mentioned that Chava Case of WSLC sent an e-mail stating that she wants to volunteer her time and services to legislative services in FHRA. She has a bachelor’s degree in Political Science and feels that she could add some value to members by helping them understand proposed legislative actions and how it may affect the workforce and/or their places of business. Judi suggested that Andrea and Chava meet to collaborate on legislative issues.

    Andrea said this legislative session will end on March 1, 2007.

    Judi said she has not heard anything further from the State Council regarding a legislative day. Time is running out, so this probably won’t happen unless we hear from them soon.

    Treasurer’s Report

    Rebecca distributed a copy of the December 2006 Treasurer’s Report which Nancy had prepared. It is attached to these minutes and incorporated herein by reference.

    The group discussed the Profit & Loss statement that Nancy had previously e-mailed to the board. Judi felt that the line item “LUNCHEONS” $4,292.47 is misleading because it includes money from the ½ day seminar. We will change the line item title to “Luncheons/Seminars,” which will be more precise.

    Rebecca has purchased QuickBooks software to use for our chapter financial recordkeeping. The cost of the software was $105.00. She needs to enter the chapter tax ID number, and Darlene said that she would e-mail her the number.

    Darlene gave Rebecca several checks for membership dues from Lindsay Barton, Tara Rood, Robert Koehler, Robert Blanchard, Janet Stevenson and Richard Lack.

    Darlene also gave Rebecca the Post Office Box annual rental fee invoice to pay.

    Chapter Achievement Plan

    Judi distributed a copy of the Chapter Achievement Plan and LeadersEdge to each attendee. It is her wish we keep track of our achievements on the Chapter Achievement Plan document as we go through the year. That will make it a lot easier to fill out at the end of the year.

    The meeting attendees proceeded to review and complete the CAP document for 2006.

    Judi will submit the final product online as soon as possible. She must also submit the Chapter By-Laws along with it, and she asked Darlene to e-mail her a copy of them.

    Monthly Meetings

    Judi attempted to obtain CEUs for the monthly meetings on the SHRM website, but it is asking her for a password, which she doesn’t have. She heard from Allen that he has not needed a password in the past. She will look into it again. To meet the criteria for CEUs we cannot have the speaker presenting while we are still eating, and the dishes must be removed from the tables before the speaker begins.

    The group discussed moving our meetings to a new location. Judi obtained quotes from Little America the Plains Hotel and the Holiday Inn.

    Little America is out of the question because they quoted $15.00 per meal and they also have a room charge.

    The Plains quoted $10.00 per meal with no room charge.

    The Holiday Inn quoted $10.00 per meal with no room charge.

    Darlene also volunteered LCCC as a possible location.

    The group decided it would be best to stay with a hotel.

    Rebecca suggested we send it out to our members to vote on. Darlene and Andrea were opposed to that.

    After much discussion, the group decided that we would move our meetings to the Holiday Inn because the parking is better and their HR Director is a member of our chapter. Judi will finalize the details with the Holiday Inn.

    We will need to obtain a cash box and Rebecca will need to set up an $80.00 petty cash fund. Darlene said she has a cash box.

    Judi distributed a list of possible topics for the DOL for the April meeting. She asked everyone to review it and let her know if we had a preference.

    Judi distributed a handout with information on the Methamphetamine Awareness Training which we are planning for a ½ day seminar in March. Judi asked Darlene to prepare a flyer for the event. The group discussed advertising options. Some ideas were the Trader’s, Chamber website free listing, and public announcements. Andrea said she could mass e-mail employers.


    Rebecca asked Darlene for an updated membership list.


    Judi asked for a volunteer for HRCI Advocate and Foundation Advocate. Since Rebecca is going to be on point for the 50/50 raffle, she is the most likely candidate to be the Foundation Advocate. Since Allen is the only one on the board certified, perhaps he would be the best HRCI advocate.


    The meeting adjourned at 1:00 p.m. The next board meeting will be on March 1, 2007.

    Respectfully submitted,

    Darlene Kaelin

    FHRA Secretary 2006-07