Board of Director’s Meeting Minutes – 4/28/06
Attendees: Allen Andrews, President; Judi Just, Vice President; Darlene Kaelin, Secretary; Nancy Thayer, Treasurer
The meeting came to order at 8:35 a.m. in the City Building conference room 208.
Approval of Minutes
Minutes of the March 30, 2006 Board of Directors Meeting and minutes of the April 18, 2006 chapter meeting were approved as submitted.
Darlene will e-mail the minutes of the Monthly Meetings and Board of Directors Meetings to our members for their information.
Treasurer’s Report
Nancy distributed a copy of the treasurer’s report for March 2006. The report is attached to these minutes and incorporated herein by reference. There were no changes to the report.
Darlene gave Nancy a check to deposit which was for annual dues for a new member.
Allen asked Nancy for a check to pay for the April lunch invoice from the Hitching Post Inn. Nancy immediately provided a check to Allen.
There were two “no-shows” at the April meeting and Darlene has invoiced them for the cost of their meals.
Monthly Meetings/Speakers
Allen asked if any of the board members had noticed that it took longer to get the food served at the April meeting. Judi said she did notice a delay. Allen will follow up on it. Nancy suggested we have a serve yourself salad/fruit table. This would give more flexibility but it would not expedite the process. Allen will check to see what the cost would be.
The May meeting will be held on May 24, which deviates from our normal schedule of every third Tuesday. The reason for the deviation is so that we might take the opportunity to have Marilyn Hoppen speak on “Trends in HR.” We will extend the meeting to 1:30 so that we can give Marilyn a full hour to present. Darlene said she will distribute the announcement e-mail on Monday.
For the June meeting our first choice speaker is Reed Barr from the Casper Chapter. He is the legislative liaison who recently made a trip to Washington, D.C. He could present to us what he learned on his trip. Allen will confirm him for June. If Reed is unable to present in June, then Darlene will contact Community Bereavement Care who have offered to make a presentation on “Grief in the Workplace.” A final option would be the National SHRM DVD PowerPoint presentation. Allen will e-mail Darlene with instruction on how to access the slide show so that she can tailor it to our chapter.
The board reviewed the meeting evaluation forms from the March meeting. There were some good suggestions for meeting topics. Allen asked Darlene to e-mail him a soft copy of the evaluation form.
Our chapter continues to grow slowly. We now have 28 members. Seventeen of the 28 members are also National SHRM members.
Allen encouraged the Board to make contacts in the community to get the word out and invite people to meetings.
Allen asked if anyone has heard back from the four people who were asked to fill out a Primary Chapter Designation form (Brad Cave, Karen Everett, Andrea Hixson, and Susan Johnson). Darlene said she has heard from Susan Johnson and Andrea Hixson. Susan Johnson e-mailed that she would complete and fax the form and Andrea called to say that she is not a national member.
We have a few new members, so Darlene will e-mail the updated membership directory to our members.
Allen said he has not had the time to review the at large member list from National SHRM.
Nancy asked if we have ever listed our meetings in the Wyoming Tribune Eagle under Clubs & Organizations. We may have in the past, but it is not currently posted there. Nancy will follow up to see if she can get our meetings listed.
Laramie has started up an HR group and they will be meeting next week. Allen, Judi and Nancy are all planning to travel to Laramie to attend their meeting. Allen will e-mail more meeting details to the others.
At our next board meeting we will discuss the topic of reduced dues for those joining the chapter in the middle of the year.
To date we have not received any applications for the scholarship at the University of Phoenix.
The National SHRM Foundation has a Regional Scholarship Program for 2006 which will provide 60 scholarships nationwide totaling $50,000 to be used for college or certification. The deadline to apply is July 15. Allen has ordered some brochures which will be distributed at our May meeting.
Job Descriptions for the Board of Directors
The board members have draft copies of job descriptions for each position, but have not had a chance to properly review them. Our goal will be to have any revisions noted by our next board meeting.
The board agreed to pursue the free website service from National SHRM. Darlene will complete the agreement and information sheet and fax it to Shelly Quinn, Web Support Specialist. Darlene has volunteered to be the website coordinator.
Chapter Achievement Plan
At this time, no action has been taken on the Chapter Achievement Plan.
Darlene has notified those who submitted logos for our chapter of the status of the logo contest. At this time the board has not selected a logo.
Darlene is planning to put the National SHRM logo on everything we send out. She recently used it on the minutes and the table tents.
State Council Leadership Meeting
Allen will be the only board member to attend the annual State Council Leadership meeting on April 29 in Casper. He will bring us a full report at our next board meeting.
Name Badges
No action has been taken at this time on name badges.
Allen has some information from the WalMart Distribution Center to send to our members. He will send the information to Darlene for distribution.
The meeting adjourned at 10:15 a.m. Our next board meeting will be at 11:30 a.m. on June 1, 2006 at the SOS Staffing offices on Lincolnway.
Respectfully submitted,
Darlene Kaelin
FHRA Secretary 2005-06