Board of Director Meeting Minutes 12/20/07
Frontier Human Resource Association
Minutes of Board Meeting
December 20, 2007
The meeting came to order at 9:05 a.m. in Room 307 of the Municipal Building, 2101 O’Neill Avenue.
Six members were present at the meeting: Chava Case and Andrea Hixon, Legislative Chairs; Judi Just, President; Darlene Kaelin, Secretary and Rebecca Spitsbergen, Treasurer
Secretary Report - Darlene Kaelin
Darlene said there were three “no shows” at the December holiday meeting. The board agreed that we would not invoice them.
Darlene turned the FHRA files over to Andrea for her use as the Secretary in 2008. All computer data files generated by Darlene in 2005, 2006 and 2007 have been copied to a CD, and the CD is filed in the file labeled 2007. Darlene also turned her post office box key over to Rebecca.
Judi said we are approved to use the SHRM logo on the punch cards for 2008. There is a printed supply of the punch cards in the files given to Andrea.
We will make the following changes to the Membership Application for 2008:
³ Add a line asking how the person heard about our chapter.
³ Increase the non-SHRM member price to $45.00
Rebecca asked that a copy of the membership application form and the chapter designation form be attached to the January e-mail invitation.
The board voted to increase the cost of lunch in 2008. The cost for members will be $12.00 and for non-members it will be $16.00.
Darlene said there are two invoices for no shows in November that have not yet been paid. The board agreed that it would be okay to send a follow up invoice.
Treasurer’s Report - Rebecca Spitsbergen
Our current balance is $7,252.14, but there are still a few deposits to make and invoices to pay.
Rebecca hopes to complete a balance sheet and PNL statement next week.
We have not yet received an invoice for our website.
Veronica asked for clarification on the function of the proposed Membership Committee. Judi said the committee will do basically the same things Veronica is currently doing, but it will be spread out amongst several people. It would be nice to have someone connect with the Chamber PR person. Another idea would be to have someone scan the want ads for HR contacts to be invited to our meetings. Staffing agency employees would be excellent to have on the Membership Committee since their jobs take them out into the community.
We will do a membership drive at our January meeting. Judi has a PowerPoint from Diana that we can use.
Veronica asked if it would be okay to send the LCCC HR certification preparation course information to our mailing list. The board approved the sending of an e-mail. Darlene will send the information to our mailing list, both members and non-members.
Legislative Report – Chava Case/Andrea Hixon
Chava discussed the National Defense Authorization Act. She has included information about it in the December newsletter. This act would expand current FMLA laws to immediate family members of Armed Service members. The final measure in front of the President at this time will require employers to provide 12 weeks of unpaid FMLA leave to immediate family of service members if called to active duty. Additionally, employers will be required to provide up to 26 weeks of unpaid, job protected leave to family members that are providing care to a service member that is injured in active duty. At this time, there is no information as to when the Act may go in to effect if signed by the President.
Chava plans to coordinate a visit to the 2009 legislative session to lobby for workplace issues. The 2008 session is a budget session, so will have to wait until 2009.
Marketing Opportunities for Businesses
Judi asked Andrea to do an e-mail blast after the first of the year on two new marketing opportunities for 2008.
The first is the 5-minute commercial at our monthly meetings. A 5-minute commercial will cost $25.00.
The second opportunity is sponsorship of a meeting. A business may sponsor a meeting for a fee of $150.00. For that price the business will receive:
³ A 5 minute commercial at the meeting
³ Advertisement in our monthly newsletter
³ Advertisement in the monthly e-mail announcement
³ A table at the meeting dedicated to the business for handouts and other information
³ Two free lunches
Judi stressed that the business must pay for the commercial or sponsorship in advance. She asked Andrea to design a form to attach to the e-mail that people may use to sign up for a commercial or sponsorship. It will be on a first come, first served basis.
Chava said she will announce these new features in the newsletter.
Veronica said LCCC would like to purchase the 5 minute commercial for January to talk about the new HR certification preparation course.
Chapter Achievement Plan
Together, the group filled out the Chapter Achievement Plan for 2007. Judi will enter the data into the website. Thank you Judi!
The meeting adjourned at 11:00 a.m.
The next board meeting will be on January 24, 2008 at 11:30 am at the Municipal Building, room to be determined.
Respectfully submitted,
Darlene Kaelin
FHRA Secretary 2007