Board of Director Meeting Minutes 11/27/07
Frontier Human Resource Association
Minutes of Board Meeting
November 27, 2007
The meeting came to order at 11:30 a.m. in Room 208 of the Municipal Building, 2101 O’Neill Avenue.
Five members were present at the meeting: Allen Andrews, Past President; Andrea Hixon, Legislative Chair; Judi Just, President; Darlene Kaelin, Secretary and Rebecca Spitsbergen, Treasurer
President Elect
Nancy was not present at the meeting. Darlene suggested an ice breaker for December could be to tell your favorite holiday memory.
Secretary - Darlene Kaelin
Darlene said there were three “no shows” at the November lunch meeting and she has invoiced them all.
She said she will be placing all of the FHRA related documents from her computer onto a CD to be filed in the FHRA files for Andrea to reference as needed. She will also add Andrea as a website administrator.
Treasurer’s Report - Rebecca Spitsbergen
Rebecca has not yet received an invoice for our website. Allen will follow up again with his contact.
At the end of October Rebecca sent $182.50 in donation money to the SHRM Foundation. This is 9 months worth of donations. Judi pointed out that this is triple what we gave last year. Allen said he received an e-mail from Karen Verrico applauding the increased donation.
Rebecca has not yet generated a balance sheet. The goal is to have one by end of January.
Judi gave Rebecca an itemized list of expenses for her trip to National Conference to be reimbursed by the chapter. The total was $799.42. However, the board also agreed to reimburse Judi for her mileage to DIA, so that will add another $97.00 for a total of $896.42.
Veronica was not present at the meeting. Darlene distributed a copy of the membership list to everyone. There are a total of 62 members.
Rebecca would like for us to do a “members at large” special luncheon at some point.
Allen said that he thinks each chapter is allowed two e-mail blasts per year from National. Rebecca agreed. Judi said maybe for the January membership drive we could make arrangements for an e-mail blast.
Darlene distributed a copy of the 2007 membership form. She asked if we will need to change it for 2008. The board will review the form and decide at the next meeting. Judi did suggest that we add a line asking how the person found out about our chapter. Also, Judi said we may change the rates to allow national members a better cost break.
Judi would like for us to send a postcard to all current members to remind them that January is our membership drive. No one volunteered to take on this task, although Rebecca said she would cover the postage.
Legislative Report – Chava Case/Andrea Hixon
Andrea had nothing significant to report.
Chava was not present at the meeting, but she did send an e-mail to Judi, which Judi read to the group. In the e-mail she did not have anything significant to report for legislative issues, but she commented on the November presentation. She said she was disappointed with the lack of knowledge of workplace law issues displayed by the legislators, and therefore is strongly in favor of a Legislative Day in 2009.
Monthly Meetings
For December entertainment, Judi said the Boys & Girls Club is not available. Randy Oestman is no longer with the organization and the kids wouldn’t be able to leave school that day anyway.
Several ideas for entertainment were bounced around including; Animal Shelter presentation with a few animals and a game where each person stands up to say 3 things about themselves with one untrue thing and then the crowd guesses which thing is false
Judi said Nancy has some door prizes that we can give away.
Judi will present a recap of the year.
Allen suggested that we contact all the past presidents of FHRA and invite them to the meeting to be honored. Darlene will look through the old records to find a list of past presidents. We will try to contact as many as we can.
It was decided that for the December meeting we will not do any entertainment per se. The meeting will consist of a free meal to all members, door prizes, a recap of the year, and recognition of past presidents.
Judi asked Darlene to let her know if there is anyone who has attended every meeting this year. She would like to recognize those people at the December meeting.
The board discussed various program ideas for 2008. Ideas that were put forth:
³ Senior Member Panel – HR folks with lots of experience in the field share horror stories
³ Unemployment Claims Process
³ Give free membership to attorneys such as Brad Cave so that they are readily available as speakers
³ Presentation from a Cheyenne LEADS representative or some other economics expert
³ I9’s
³ Workers Comp Drug Test Discount
³ Homeland Security
³ How to Lose a Job in 10 Days
State Council Report – Allen Andrews
Allen said that the State Council has received a $2,000 from National.
The funds from the State Conference will be distributed soon. The host chapter will receive 50%, the State Council will receive 25%, and the remaining 25% will be divided among the other 3 chapters.
The election for State Council officers was conducted this month via teleconference. Among others elected, our own Judi Just was elected to Director-Elect for 2008 and our own Rebecca Spitsbergen was elected Secretary/Treasurer.
Chapter Achievement Plan
Judi asked everyone to fill in the blanks for the Chapter Achievement Plan and we will review it at our December board meeting.
Leadership Conference Update – Judi Just
Judi heard a lot of new ideas at the Leadership Conference and she would like for us to implement some of them if possible. The group discussed the following ideas in detail.
³ Offer a 5 minute commercial for a small fee, maybe $50 (make sure to get money up front)
³ Allow businesses to sponsor a meeting and thereby be allowed to put information at the tables and also ads on the meeting announcement.
³ Sell ads in our newsletter.
³ Find a media or marketing person to deal with paper, chamber, TV. Maybe have the Chamber marketing person sit on our board.
³ January meeting set up tables to sign up for committees such as program, membership, marketing, etc.
³ Sell punch cards at a discount. Buy years worth and get one lunch free.
³ Have a hospitality committee greet members when they check in.
³ Have board members sit at different tables to network.
³ Toastmaster speakers
³ Give points for attending meetings and seminars and the person with the most points wins something
Andrea suggested we survey our members to see if business commercials are something that they would want. Judi said we could use to do a survey. Allen was of the opinion that the board should decide this issue. He also said we would get feedback on meeting evaluations. Judi is going to ask Diana for a copy of the evaluation that National uses.
Those board members who have met Diana were singing her praises, and Rebecca suggested that our chapter recognize her in some way. Allen said the State Council is planning to recognize her too. Allen suggested drafting a letter to forward to her boss. Rebecca will work on a letter and Judi said she will help with that.
The group debated the lunch punch cards. It was decided that we will not offer any discounts. We only sold 3 in 2007, so it is not widely used by our members. Darlene will make new cards for 2008, and will make them expire on 12/31/08. Also, they will contain 8 punches, as that is the maximum number that a person would need to purchase for the year. (Note: There are 12 months in the year, 2 months will be seminars, one month is state conference and December is free to members.) Judi said that national suggests a $10 spread between the price of lunch for members and that of non-members. We may increase the price of lunch for nonmembers.
The meeting adjourned at 1:05 p.m.
The next board meeting will be on December 20, 2007 at 11:30 in Room 208 of the Municipal Building. Board members are encouraged to bring their lunch.
Respectfully submitted,
Darlene Kaelin
FHRA Secretary 2007