Board of Director Meeting Minutes 11.19.09
Frontier Human Resource Association
Minutes of Board Meeting
November 19, 2009
The meeting came to order at 3:10 p.m. at Attention Homes located at 714 W Fox Farm Rd.
Three members were present at the meeting: Nancy Thayer, President; Andrea Hixon, Secretary; Renee Ashworth, Treasurer.
The board approved October Board Meeting Minutes.
Secretary Report-Andrea Hixon
Andrea still has outstanding invoices for the following:
Heather Rudy-November No Show
Bob Blanchard-November No Show
Gary Monteagudo-October No Show
Aaron Kor-May No Show
Treasurer Report-Renee Ashworth
Renee stated the checking account balance before the November luncheon was $9,018. Recent expenses not included were:
Airplane ticket to Leadership-$402
Holiday Inn Lunch-$286
The approximate balance after these is $8,600.
Renee purchased a jump drive for Quick Books files especially for the transfer of the Treasurer. Renee hasn’t received a check from State Council for the Conference.
Membership Report
The following as new members:
Kim Chandler with Wells Fargo
Dayle Petrillo with Holland & Hart
Paula Atkinson with Wyoming State Geological Survey
Other Business
Andrea will email the Election Ballot out to Members.
The Board discussed giving a donation to the Jammin’ Jumpers and decided $50 would be an appropriate donation amount.
Old Business
No date decided as of yet for the December Board Retreat/Orientation for 2010. Tenative board members and Committee chairs need to send 2 dates to Chava of their availability.
Holiday Event
The board discussed buying small picture frames for attendees of the December Holiday Event and includes a little note, “Happy Holidays from FHRA.”
The board discussed awards and trophies for board members. The board decided to recognize Rebecca Spitsbergen with a plaque for her service and organization of the SHRM State Conference in Cheyenne.
Andrea will bring boom box and Christmas music to the meeting.
Nancy will purchase rosemary or poinsettias plants for table centerpieces for giveaways at the meeting.
We will place a dot on the back of the FHRA message for the winner of the centerpieces.
Andrea will send the FHRA logo to Nancy.
Nancy had an idea to put the sucker on a plague to make it a ‘traveling trophy’. The board discussed putting names of the past presidents starting with the following:
2005-2006 Allen Andrews
2007-2008 Judi Just
2009 Nancy Thayer
2010 Chava Case
Next board meeting will be on December 17th at 3:00pm in Room 104 at City of Cheyenne located at 2101 O’Neil Avenue.
The meeting adjourned at 4:20 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Andrea Hixon
Secretary 2009