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Board of Director Meeting Minutes 10/23/2008

    Frontier Human Resource Association

    Minutes of Board Meeting

    October 23, 2008

    The meeting came to order at 3:00 p.m. at The City of Cheyenne located at 2101 O’Neil Avenue Room 307.

    Five members were present at the meeting: Judi Just, President; Renee Ashworth, Membership Chair; Chava Case, Legislative Chair; Andrea Hixon, Secretary; Rebecca Spitsbergen, Treasurer.

    Old Business

    Leadership in DC Update-

    The Board discussed and decided to cover the excess amount for the Leadership trip to DC above & beyond $650 from Sate Council for Members attending because of inflation.

    Rebecca updated the “Save the Date” postcards for the 2009 State Conference in Cheyenne. She will ask Joyce to send out an Email blast and also include the Colorado & Nebraska chapters.

    Outcome of Chamber to Chamber Expo-

    Nancy and Rebecca received overwhelming response with 10-12 new contacts of interest in becoming a member. Also, a possible option for free publicity in the “Around Cheyenne” publication.

    Nomination of Officers-

    No Succession Planning Forms turned in at this time so will re-email out to Members. Some confusion since the form wasn’t FHRA specific. Rebecca will check on updating the form. Rico Childers expressed an interest in helping out when needed but not in any particular Board or Chair capacity. Barb Esquibel expressed an interest in Treasurer but was concerned with some of the duties because she lives in Laramie.

    New Business-

    5 Minute Commercial-

    Judi asked the Board’s opinion of moving forward with the 5 minute commercial and the Board agreed to move forward with the existing marketing opportunity.

    Program for December-

    Judi spoke with Nancy and she hasn’t heard back from the Magic Program yet for the December Holiday Event. The program is tentative from the Atlas Theatre with some jokes on the HR field.

    ADA Program with Brad Cave-

    Judi suggested that we should only request Brad at our lunch presentations per the previous emails of concerns with fees for presentations. Judi requested for Chava to contact Mark Travis for upcoming programs.

    The Board mentioned the desire for Brad Cave to be a speaker at the Cheyenne State Conference in 2009 but the board realizes that time is money and may not be attainable with our limited budget.

    Disclaimer for programs-

    It was suggested by State Council to create a Disclaimer to be added to correspondence to denounce any liability of responsibility to FHRA. The Board agreed and will utilize the same disclaimer as SHRM.

    Audit of checking account-

    Judi requested to be done in January. The Board discussed who to perform the audit and considered asking Ken Dugas but that would be a conflict of interest. Andrea will contact Shelli Shelton, an independent CPA, to see what the charge would be or if she would recommend a CPA. Keep in mind that this needs to be done for State Council also.

    Planning programs for the New Year to share at state council meetings-

    If we have programs already planned then share accordingly such as the following:

    January-Overview of ADA with Brad Cave

    February-Day at the Legislature


    Rebecca suggested ideas for tentative meetings on FLSA & FCRA.

    Meeting location next year-

    Nancy wasn’t able to attend the meeting so we were unable to make a decision on the meeting location for 2009.

    Rebecca will contact Nancy, and then will volunteer to call the Holiday Inn for quotes.

    Program Committee Report-Nancy Thayer

    Ask Nancy what the November speaker needs are and any additional information on the December Holiday Lunch.

    Membership Committee Report-Renee Ashworth

    Renee presented for a group of State HR Managers and let them know about FHRA. While visiting with Angela Bennett, she let Renee know about an old organization of all State Human Resources Managers that met quarterly and wanted to re-establish that so Renee also invited her to join our chapter.

    The Board discussed the issue of the State of Wyoming not approving payment for members to become National SHRM members and the methods others are utilizing to obtain National SHRM Members.

    Judi would like Diana to present to them the value of National SHRM membership that is less cost than the cost of a consultant with a lawyer.

    Governmental Affairs/Diversity/Newsletter Report-Chava Case

    Governmental Affairs-

    Chava is still organizing the Day at the Legislature which is coming together. Lynn Birleffi declined because of existing commitments. Mike Mozier has agreed to participate. He has handouts that we can utilize. Lynn Birleffi recommended a former Legislator, Jayne Mockler, if she doesn’t win the mayoral race or email her for any recommendations for ideas.

    Jack Landon of Sheridan is interested in participating in the Day at the Legislature. Chava needs additional input from State Council on how to organize the event.

    Chava marked Governmental affairs laws update for March 11-13th. Rescue plan for financial industry and new Bicycle Commuter Act, a $20 a month federal tax credit for people utilizing bicycles as their primary transportation to work.

    Michelle’s law on Health Insurance Act that allows college students to remain on their parents’ plan if something medically happens then benefits rule waived.


    Chava would like any ideas to jazz up the state because she is concerned about buy-in for the Monthly Diversity Tidbit. Rebecca recommended getting Cody Sinclair, a previous Foundation Scholarship winner, involved as a helper since he is still active with the Sheridan chapter.

    The Board discussed Diversity issues as a tentative meeting topic or half day seminar topic.


    Chava had nothing new to report.

    Foundation Report-Rebecca Spitsbergen

    Rebecca received confirmation of FHRA’s receipt of the Scholarship from the Foundation.

    Nancy will need to organize the HR Study Group and SHRM Learning Center.

    Judi wants to check in on Leadership role to only pay if you pass. Nancy, Judi, and Rebecca expressed an interest in attending the study group.

    Secretary Report-Andrea Hixon

    Outstanding Invoices have been sent to the following:

    Nancy Thayer for Clay Dokken-per board write off this expenditure

    Megan McDaniel with Department of Workforce Services

    Heather Rudy with Laramie County for a No Show

    Treasurer’s Report-Rebecca Spitsbergen

    Rebecca stated there was not a lot of activity due to no meeting in September. Rebecca distributed copies of the Checking account and balance sheets with a checking account balance of $10,696.00 as of 10-23-08.

    One expense was $257.34 for Keytags for the 2008 Casper State Conference and the board decided to table the discussion about Chamber dues until Nancy is in attendance to assist with the decision.

    Other Business-

    Judi suggested placing speaker information on a separate table because ther isn’t enough room on tables for everything. The board agreed and Andrea will let The Plains Hotel know of the addition to room setup.

    The Board discussed the need of a new Welcome & Hospitality Committee volunteer and Renee Ashworth volunteered to perform this role.

    Request to reimburse Nancy for FedEx Fees of approximately $140 for promotion for State Conference.

    FHRA received a check for $165 for 33 SHRM National members for our chapter. We have 27 known National SHRM members.


    Next Board meeting will be on November 12th following the regular meeting at The Plains Hotel.

    The meeting adjourned at 4:50 p.m.

    Respectfully submitted,

    Andrea Hixon

    Secretary 2008