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Board of Director Meeting Minutes 10/03/07

    The meeting came to order at 7:00 a.m. at the Egg & I restaurant.

    Seven members were present at the meeting: Chava Case and Andrea Hixson, Legislative Chairs; Judi Just, President; Darlene Kaelin, Secretary; Veronica Pedersen, Membership Chair; Rebecca Spitsbergen, Treasurer and Nancy Thayer, President Elect

    President-Elect – Nancy Thayer

    Nancy will not prepare an ice breaker for October because we are having a full day seminar on the 16th.

    Secretary - Darlene Kaelin

    Darlene said that 9 people have signed up for the October seminar, which isn’t very many. She will send a reminder to sign up and we will extend the deadline to the Friday before the seminar.

    Our website has been fixed by the Domain Name Server Company. We need to make arrangements for their invoice to come directly to our chapter.

    Treasurer’s Report - Rebecca Spitsbergen

    Rebecca reported that our checking account balance is $7,135.82. She will send the Foundation donation toward the end of the year.

    Rebecca brought up the topic of prorated membership dues for those who join in the last quarter of the year. We have talked about this in the past, and the board will keep to the policy of not prorating dues because it would be an administrative burden to track.

    Judi said that the $70 received from LaShonne is correct as it is from a previous quarter, not one we recently updated.

    Membership – Veronica Pedersen

    Veronica apologized for not having had a chance to work on the Members at Large list. It was decided that Veronica will divide the names up and e-mail a short list to each board member. It should only be about 4 or 5 people for each board member to contact to see if they will affiliate with our chapter.

    Rebecca asked if we could post the affiliate form on our website. Darlene said she could and she will get that done.

    Legislative Report – Chava Case/Andrea Hixson

    Andrea said there is a bill to extend FMLA to 6 months for families taking care of injured soldiers. She also said the Immigration bill is dead in Congress.

    Chava did not have anything to share with the group.

    Laramie Group

    Judi said that she has been thinking about the Laramie chapter and how they don’t want to pay dues. She said if all of them are national members, they would have a 100% chapter and would not have to pay dues. We should encourage them toward that goal.

    Nancy asked how we could encourage our chapter to become 100%. Judi said we will push for it during our January membership campaign.

    October Seminar

    The group reviewed the Hitching Post Inn contract for the seminar. Changes that we want to make are: use round tables and cancel the cookies.

    Monthly Meetings

    The presenters for the November meeting will be Lori Millin and Bob Fecht. They will discuss legislative issues related to HR topics. We will ask members to be prepared to ask legislative questions.

    We need to find entertainment for the December meeting. Judi wondered if the Boys & Girls Club might have a singing group. Nancy said she knows of some singers. Darlene reminded the group about contacting Sylvia Hackl for some ideas. Darlene said she will e-mail Sylvia and send her e-mail address to Nancy.

    Judi said she has already lined up a speaker for the February 2008 meeting. It will be Jeremy Hamilton of Warren Federal Credit Union and he will speak on identify theft.

    Board of Director Nominees for 2008

    Nominations for Board of Directors for the year 2008 will be:

    President – Judi Just

    Vice President – Nancy Thayer

    Treasurer – Rebecca Spitsbergen

    Secretary – Andrea Hixson

    The ballot will also contain a line for members to write in a candidate at the time that they vote. We will e-mail the ballot to our members before the meeting in November.

    Also, Veronica and Chava indicated they would be willing to stay as Membership Chair and Legislative Chair respectively if the board wants to appoint them.

    Judi said she would like to see us have a Membership Committee and a Program Committee next year.

    Leadership Training Seminar

    The board approved Judi Just to attend the Leadership Training Seminar in Washington, D.C. on November 15 -17, 2007. The chapter will pay for her airline tickets and 2 nights lodging.


    Still on the “to do” list is to research the free business cards.


    The meeting adjourned at 8:20 a.m. The next board meeting will be on October 23, 2007 at a place to be determined.

    Respectfully submitted,

    Darlene Kaelin

    FHRA Secretary 2007