Board of Director Meeting Minutes 09/16/08
Frontier Human Resource Association
Minutes of Board Meeting
September 16, 2008
The meeting came to order at 11:50 p.m. at The City of Cheyenne located at 2101 O’Neil Avenue Room 208.
Four members were present at the meeting: Judi Just, President; Nancy Thayer, President Elect; Renee Ashworth, Membership Chair; Chava Case, Legislative Chair; Andrea Hixon, Secretary; Rebecca Spitsbergen, Treasurer.
Old Business
The Board discussed the Casper State Conference. Judi inquired about the status of the name tags. Rebecca received the order and they turned out beautiful. Judi mentioned putting a box out to encourage recycling the ID neck pouch. The Board mentioned requesting this to be announced at the conference as a reminder to recycle.
Approximately 45 have registered to attend the conference but this isn’t a final count. Rebecca hasn’t received a list of the names of attendees. Rebecca will contact Reed Barr to request the final list before the conference. The Board discussed the current process and how to organize & plan for our conference next year.
The Board discussed the Dress code for the 2008 Casper State Conference. The dress code requirement is Business attire (No Sandals) since the facility is Members Only.
Judi asked Rebecca about the status of the key chains. Rebecca stated they should be shipping out today. Rebecca ordered a total of 200 key chains. Judi asked the board if we would like to include them in the bags. The board agreed to place them in the bags and place some on the registration table. The leftover key chains can be given to our FHRA members.
Door Prizes-We have the following so far for Door Prizes for the Casper State Conference:
Book, “50 Employment Laws in 50 States”
2 Portfolios
Rolling Cooler
2 Baskets
The Board discussed how they liked the idea of giving away a Registration Fee for the next year’s conference as a Grand Prize. The Board also discussed implementing a drawing for a free Registration fee for the conference to our local FHRA members. Since we normally assist FHRA members with registration fees to attend the State Conference, then we should consider a drawing with the normal budgeted amount to give away to our members since the 2009 State Conference will be in Cheyenne.
Nancy is still working on some changes/updates on the “Save the Date” postcard. The Board decided to put the postcards double-sided on the 10 tables.
Chava asked if Reed is sending back confirmation emails or packets to vendors who have registered for the 2008 Casper State Conference. Since this doesn’t seem to be occurring the Board discussed adding a statement of when a confirmation email/response should be received as verification of receipt of registration.
The Board has been receiving requests about accepting credit cards. Nancy will check into the Pay Pal method and report back to the board with her findings.
The Board discussed when everyone was meeting for the upcoming Casper State Conference in order to car pool. The group decided to meet on Wednesday morning at 8:30am in the City of Cheyenne’s parking lot. Rebecca will drive a van to accommodate luggage and door prizes.
The Board discussed the 2009 Cheyenne State Conference with some of the details being finalized such as contract signed for the Holiday Inn. The room rate will be $79 for a Standard and $149 for a Suite. Chava has a Diversity Speaker in mind for the 2009 State Conference.
The Board discussed establishing a Marketing Committee for the 2009 State Conference to incorporate the Front Range, Nebraska, and Wyoming. Rebecca suggested making an announcement at our next meeting to introduce the opening for the chair of the Marketing Committee. Nancy recommended sending out an email to members with the current plan for the 2009 Cheyenne State Conference and request volunteers for the open slots.
The Board discussed utilizing feedback from the 2008 Casper State Conference as an example for the upcoming 2009 Cheyenne State Conference.
Judi Just will contact Kathy Wright to let her know that October is available for her to provide information to the group on ESGR.
The Board discussed and scheduled the upcoming Board meetings for the rest of the year as the following:
October 23, 2008, 3pm, City of Cheyenne, Room 307
November 12, 2008, board meeting to follow the regular meeting
December 18, 2008, 3pm, City of Cheyenne, Room 208.
New Business-
The Board discussed the idea of establishing a Nominating Committee for Board Members to adhere to FHRA bylaws. The Board discussed the possibility of combining the Secretary/Treasurer position as one but was decided to keep them separate because of the workload. The Board also mentioned a new position as Website Design. Rebecca recommended placing a copy of the job description with the monthly FHRA newsletter. The Board discussed these issues and will ask for any nominations in the upcoming newsletter and in the invitation to the monthly FHRA meeting.
Positions available are:
President Elect
Judi mentioned the importance of the President Elect to attend Leadership because it gives you tips and contacts for a comparable chapter.
Program Committee Report-Nancy Thayer
The Board discussed the December Holiday meeting and possible ideas for entertainment. Rebecca suggested the Toys for Tots Drive or a string quartet. Nancy recommended to start requesting donations now. Also, a good charity to consider would be Needs because of their need for non-perishable food products.
Governmental Affairs/Diversity/Newsletter Report-Chava Case
Chava didn’t have too many new governmental affairs news other than an article in the newspaper about more accountability for Worker’s Compensation. The Governor thinks ours is embarrassing especially around death.
Chava asked the opinion of the board if it would be okay to copy & paste the article to use in the upcoming newsletter. The Board stated it should be fine as long as it was sited.
Federal Legislation-In September, Senate addressed ADA’s definition of disability and it is now back at the House of Representatives with the recent changes.
Reed Barr mentioned he received Chava’s email about the Day at the Legislature. Chava will contact Lyn Birleffi and Mike Mozier to request their participation. Judi suggested that Chava visit with Reed about this to ensure it is addressed in a timely manner.
Membership Committee Report-Renee Ashworth
Renee has a possible new member, Sandy with theWyoming-Montana Safety Council. Sandy is studying for her PHR. Renee also mentioned Angela Bennett, the new HR person with the State of Wyoming.
State Council will be including National SHRM membership dues with the registration fees at the State Conference for Non-National SHRM members.
Renee has been letting tentative new members know about the discounted membership of $20 for the rest of 2008 if they pay for 2009 FHRA Membership also.
Foundation Report-Rebecca Spitsbergen
No status report on our submission of the grant. Rebecca has the door prizes of the following for the State Conference:
IPOD-Raffle & 50/50
Book of evaluating HR-Drawing
Raffle proceeds will go to the SHRM Foundation
The Board discussed the recommended $500 donation from State Council to SHRM Foundation in lieu of speaker rate.
Secretary Report-Andrea Hixon
Andrea reported the following invoices due:
Brenda Birkle-August meeting
John Ysebaert-No Show for July meeting
Nancy Thayer-Clay Dokken’s August meeting
Andrea asked the Board if they wanted to write off Anna Hutchinson’s August meeting invoice since it was her error of not removing her from the RSVP list. The Board agreed to write off this amount.
Treasurer’s Report-Rebecca Spitsbergen
Rebecca reported the checking account balance of $10,549.00.
Next Board meeting will be on October 23rd at 3:00pm, Room 307, City of Cheyenne.
The meeting adjourned at 1:15 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Andrea Hixon
Secretary 2008