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Board of Director Meeting Minutes 08/28/07

    The meeting came to order at 6:35 a.m. at the Egg & I restaurant.

    Present at the meeting were: Allen Andrews, Past President; Andrea Hixson, Legislative Chair; Judi Just, President; Darlene Kaelin, Secretary; Veronica Pedersen, Membership Chair; and Nancy Thayer, President Elect

    President-Elect – Nancy Thayer

    Nancy did not have anything to report except to say that the ice breaker question for the next meeting will be ready.

    Secretary - Darlene Kaelin

    Bob Blanchard of Wal-Mart and John Ysebaert of the State of Wyoming have paid their outstanding lunch invoices. Anna Hutchinson still owes $1.00 from the June meeting. She did not attend the August meeting. Darlene will invoice Kathy Kellner BOPU, Sheri LaPratt Laramie County and Susan Alms for her guest Dawn, all of whom RSVP’d but did not show at the August meeting.

    Darlene requested to use some cash to purchase postage stamps to mail out invoices. The board approved the purchase.

    Treasurer’s Report - Rebecca Spitsbergen

    Rebecca joined the meeting via telephone. She reported that our checking account balance is $7,149.99.

    Membership – Veronica Pedersen

    Veronica and Darlene will visit the Laramie HR meeting on 8/29/07. Veronica has received the PowerPoint from Diana that Judi forwarded which outlines advantages to becoming a SHRM chapter. One huge advantage is the CEU’s for speakers. Judi asked if Laramie was invited to the State conference. Allen said yes. The state conference is 10.5 CEU’s. Veronica said she will announce it again at the Laramie meeting. Those who are certified need 20 CEU’s per year to renew and for SPHR, some of the CEU’s must be strategic.

    Veronica hasn’t had a chance to work on the members at large list, but she hopes to get to it soon. She does not know if there are any Laramie people on the list.

    Judi said the check from National showed only 14 chapter affiliates, and we should have 26. She has contacted LaShonne about it, but has not heard back yet. She will keep following up. Our chapter receives $5 per member per quarter, so we definitely want our number of affiliates to be correct.

    Legislative Report – Andrea Hixson

    Andrea summarized the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act. She will make copies to hand out to members at our next meeting.

    Andrea also discussed the homeland security no match rule. If the SSN on the I-9 doesn’t match, the employer is held responsible.

    State Conference

    Jeff Clark at Pepsi has indicated that he will provide a door prize for the conference. He is also attending the meeting and can bring the door prize with him. Or, Rebecca could pick it up since her office is very near his.

    Andrea has several bags to contribute from DWS.

    Chava has previously indicated that WSLC will contribute 50 highlighters.

    State Council – Allen Andrews

    The current focus for the council is on the State Conference. The council has chipped in $1,500 to help pay for the speakers.

    There is a Leadership Conference scheduled for Wednesday afternoon prior to the State Conference. Rebecca, Judi, Nancy and Allen will attend.

    Chava has applied for the Diversity Director position for the State Council. The position will be filled soon.

    The Council would like each chapter to do an annual SHRM benefits update. FHRA did one in January.

    Nancy said it would be nice if people could receive a 10 day trial of the SHRM website. If they could try it, they would see what a benefit it is.

    Allen suggested that Nancy attend the Alexandria Leadership Conference on November 15 through 17. If she wants to attend she will need to make plans as soon as possible.

    October Seminar

    At the most recent lunch meeting the attendees indicated that they would prefer a full day seminar in October, so we need to make plans for it.

    Judi asked Allen to reserve the Hitching Post for approximately 50 people on October 16, 2007 and to obtain food prices.

    Suggested cost will be $79.00 for members and $99.00 for nonmembers. A plated lunch is cheaper than a buffet.

    Brad Cave’s presentation is approved for 2 CEU’s and Jan Felton’s is approved for 4 CEU’s for a total of 6 CEU’s for the seminar.

    We need to find out if either Brad or Jan needs any type of AV equipment.

    Monthly Meetings

    The group discussed the RSVP deadline for the Hitching Post. Judi had it in mind to extend the deadline to Monday at 5:00 pm, but the Hitch has it in mind to shorten the deadline to Friday at 5:00 pm. There is a new Sales Director at the Hitch named Carrie. Judi will contact her to discuss the deadline. If we cannot come to a mutual agreement with the Hitch, Judi may contact the Plains or other hotels to find out what they could offer us.

    We need to be thinking about the December holiday meeting. Someone suggested that Sylvia Hackl sing. Judi suggested we ask her if she is involved in any choirs that may be available to sing.

    Board of Director Nominees for 2008

    We need to have nominations for Board of Directors for the year 2008. Darlene said that Sylvia Hackl, Rick Preece, Heather Rudy and Pam Acosta all indicated on their membership applications that they would be interested in serving on the Board.

    Veronica said she is willing to continue as Membership Chair if the Board so chooses to appoint her for 2008.

    The group suggested that Judi stay as President one more year and Nancy stay as President Elect.

    Andrea said she would be interested in serving again next year as either Secretary or Treasurer.

    The group decided it would be a good idea to appoint a State Conference Committee in 2008 to begin work on the State Conference 2009 which will be held in Cheyenne.

    We will vote on new Board Members in November.


    The meeting adjourned at 8:00 a.m. The next board meeting will be on September 25, 2007 at 8:00 a.m. at the Egg &I.

    Respectfully submitted,

    Darlene Kaelin

    FHRA Secretary 2007