Board of Director Meeting Minutes 08/21/08
Frontier Human Resource Association
Minutes of Board Meeting
August 21, 2008
The meeting came to order at 3:10 p.m. at The City of Cheyenne located at 2101 O’Neil Avenue Room 208.
Four members were present at the meeting: Judi Just, President; Nancy Thayer, President Elect; Renee Ashworth, Membership Chair; Chava Case, Legislative Chair.
Old Business
The Board discussed the Casper State Conference. Six members expressed an interest in receiving assistance from the chapter for conference fees: Judi Just, Renee Ashworth, Nancy Thayer, Chava Case, Allen Andrews and Rebecca Spitsbergen. The Board decided to pay 100% of their conference fees. The Board discussed the fact that very few members are taking advantage of this benefit.
Door Prizes – FHRA was asked to bring at least 5 door prizes to give away at the upcoming conference. Judi has a SHRM portfolio and two business cardholders. Rebecca has a cooler that she could contribute. Nancy will put together a basket with Wyoming items or office items. Renee will put together an HR basket with learning tools.
FHRA is in charge of nametags and lanyards for the conference. Nancy will look at her suppliers to see what’s available. The Casper chapter has budgeted for 70 attendees; we will plan to get 100 – any leftovers can be used at the state conference in 2009. The group discussed the need to make sure we have the names of all the attendees as early as possible. Judi will send an email to Reed Barr requesting all of the names no later than the Friday before the conference.
Key chains – Allen had an idea to purchase key chains with FHRA on them to give away at the vendor table. Allen will be giving Judi an idea on the price for these.
Brad Cave presentation – the comments on the evaluations were good. The Board discussed having a half day seminar with Brad Cave once the new FMLA regulations are finalized. Due to Brad’s schedule, this may have to be a day other than our regular monthly lunch meeting. Brad stated that he would do a presentation at our state conference in 2009. We need to work with him now to make sure it gets on his calendar.
2009 Conference – Little America is not able to accommodate our dates, but we have the keynote speaker and Pam from national SHRM confirmed for our dates. The Board decided to not change our dates (September 17 & 18, 2009) and pursue other venues instead. At this time, the conference committee has requested bids from Little America, The Hitching Post, Holiday Inn, and The Plains. Nancy will look at the Marriott to see if they have the necessary accommodations for the event. Chava stated that she will contact the SHRM Speaker’s Bureau to request a speaker on the topic of Diversity. Nancy distributed a “Save the Date” postcard that we can hand out at the conference in Casper.
New Business
Kathy Wright approached Judi about providing information to businesses along with ESGR in regards to the upcoming deployment. Approximately 1100 Guard members are scheduled to be deployed in March or April of 2009. The Board discussed the possibility of a small presentation at one of our lunch meetings. Nancy will look at the schedule to see when there might be time.
Judi requested a bio and outline from Nancy for the upcoming gas presentation so that she can submit it to obtain HRCI credits.
The group discussed the December holiday lunch. Shawn Ambrose has a group of diverse musicians that might be nice to have. Nancy will try to come up with something different from the usual holiday lunch.
Membership Committee Report-Renee Ashworth
Renee reported that Dave Hilleman would not be joining as he is planning to retire in the next couple of months. Kim Hinkler with Knife River Construction is still interested, but is not sure if she has approval. Renee has sent Heather Rudy information and the Benefits of Membership.
Governmental Affairs/Diversity/Newsletter Report-Chava Case
Governmental Affairs – Chava reported that she and Allen met to discuss the Day at the Legislature. Chava has contacted Wendy Matsen on the process of planning for such an activity. Wendy provided the contact information of individuals that we need to contact to make those arrangements. For the most part, we can just go, but it is best to let them know so they can accommodate. The plan for the event is to tag it to the February meeting and make it half day event. We will invite the HR group from Laramie to our lunch as well as the Day at the Legislature. The program will include a tour of the Capitol and a visit with a legislator that is active on a workplace bill. We won’t be able to determine who that legislator may be until mid to late November once bill’s get introduced and people are elected. Legislature begins January 18th this year and our lunch meeting is the 19th. It was decided that would be too early for legislators to be prepared. Chava will contact Mike Moser and Lynn Birleffi to speak with the group for the February meeting. Mike and Lynn are lobbyist and are known to be the experts on how to effect legislative change. The goal with these speakers is to provide some insight to the group on the importance of actively participating in government on issues that affect the workplace.
Diversity/Newsletter – Chava distributed SHRM’s official definition of Diversity and Inclusion to the board members. In an effort to make Diversity as a topic more visible to the FHRA group, Chava will begin including an article on Diversity and Inclusion in the monthly newsletter.
Foundation Report-Rebecca Spitsbergen
Rebecca was unable to attend – no new information to report.
Secretary Report-Andrea Hixon
Judi reported for Andrea as she was unable to attend. We received one bad check for a lunch meeting. Andrea has contacted the individual to retrieve the funds. The individual was supposed to send cash with her co-worker to give to Andrea at the August luncheon, but that didn’t happen. Andrea will continue to call her to get the payment corrected.
There are three individuals that need to be invoiced for the August meeting. Judi didn’t have the names, but believed that University of Wyoming was one.
Other than the two previous items, most of everything is paid up.
Treasurer’s Report-Rebecca Spitsbergen
Rebecca was unable to attend – no new information to report.
Other Business:
A new location for next year was discussed. The group also discussed the upcoming SHRM Leadership Conference – Judi, Nancy and Chava will be attending.
Next Board meeting will be on September 18th at 3:00pm in Room 208 at the City of Cheyenne.
The meeting adjourned at 4:57 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Chava Case
Legislative Chair 2008