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Board of Director Meeting Minutes 07/22/08

    Board of Director Meeting Minutes 07/22/08

    Frontier Human Resource Association

    Minutes of Board Meeting

    July 22, 2008

    The meeting came to order at 1:05 p.m. at The City of Cheyenne located at 2101 O’Neil Avenue Room 208.

    Five members were present at the meeting: Judi Just, President; Andrea Hixon, Secretary; Rebecca Spitsbergen, Treasurer; Nancy Thayer, President Elect; Renee Ashworth, Membership Chair.

    The Board approved the last board meeting minutes with the additions/corrections per emails.

    Old Business

    Casper Conference-no additional marketing information received yet.

    The Board discussed the 2007 Gillette State Conference, lessons learned and methods to utilize at the 2009 Cheyenne State Conference.

    Upcoming Conference call- August is a tentative time frame to receive brochures and registration forms. Judi still hasn’t received further information available on the cost of the Casper State Conference.

    Judi has only received interest from Allen Andrews to attend the Casper State Conference.

    The Board discussed the criteria for financial assistance for our members to attend the 2008 Casper State Conference.

    At the August Board meeting, we need to have the 2009 Cheyenne State Conference “Save The Date” Post Card ready for marketing material for the 2008 Casper State Conference.

    The Board discussed the emails sent out around the 1st part of July from Joyce Schmidt that were sent to SHRM members and SHRM Members at large list. Not everyone received the emails from National SHRM.

    The Board set the deadline of the end of August for members to express an interest to attend the 2008 Casper State Conference. Leadership will be held on September 24th from Noon-5pm. The Board is unsure who the speaker will be. The conference will be held at the Ramada.

    The Board discussed the results of the Evaluation forms. Most comments were good with some improvement in areas of room accommodations and portion size of the salad.

    The Board discussed obtaining a comment form/questionnaire from The Plains Hotel to address the concerns.

    Judi suggested getting bids for a new luncheon location. The Board discussed alternate options such as the Laramie County Library and to have the meal catered by Delectable Delights, Pizzeria Venti, etc. The Board really would like to have the 2009 Cheyenne State Conference at Little America but need to consider keeping the cost down/attractive. Rebecca volunteered to call and request quotes from Little America and Holiday Inn for regular meetings and the Cheyenne State Conference.

    New Business

    The Cheyenne State Conference Committee will meet on August 5th at 11:30am.

    Judi is still waiting on the contract from Steve Gilliland. She requested the same outline/topic of Leading with Heart with a Breakout Session topic of the Heart of HR, and the same price as the 2008 Conference in Nebraska.

    The Board discussed the idea of offering sponsorships for the Cheyenne State Conference to generate additional funding for the conference to pay for speakers and grand prizes. The committee will discuss a variety of packages to offer.

    Shari stated if we wanted to purchase an“Enjoy the Ride” book for $15.00 since it normally cost $20.00 or offer a promo for Early Bird Registration, then you would receive a free book.

    Judi will visit with Nebraska and see how many people they normally have for attendance to the conferences.


    Nancy let the board know about a change in the October presentation from TerryBerry to Joan Evans, with the Department of Workforce Services, to present on the Career Readiness Certificate.

    Nancy is hoping to have Chad with TerryBerry to present for our January 2009 meeting. Judi requested to move TerryBerry to February because of the Day at the Legislature in January.

    The rest of the year is filled with programs except for ideas for the December holiday luncheon. The Board discussed entertainment ideas such as the Cheyenne Symphony Orchestra, Hands in Harmony, Boys & Girls Club, Cheyenne Little Theatre, Vocal at FE Warren Air Force Base, and Toys for Tots. Judi needs a bio and summary of the high gas prices topic to submit for HR Certification.

    Judi spoke with Pam, Membership Director with National SHRM, and she saved the date for the 2009 State Conference on her calendar to attend our event.

    The Board discussed finding out information on the Scottsbluff area and also for the Colorado chapters.


    We have been paying $150.00 for our Chamber Membership which isn’t an actual rate and we don’t have the additional benefits as regular Chamber Members. The new rate for non-profit membership would be $350.00 per year. For that price, they would put information in the Chamber Newsletter about “Members on the Move” and wewould get the member rate if we wanted to add a flyer to the Chamber paper. For the current price of $150.00, they advertise our name in the Chamber Directory only.

    Membership Committee Report-Renee Ashworth

    Renee mailed out information on the Benefits of Membership to Reiman Construction, Kim with Knife River Construction, Nancy Bales with Holland & Hart, and Dave Hilleman with Gater Industries to generate new members.

    The Board discussed considering pro-rating membership dues. The Board decided to offer a reduced Membership rate after October 1st for $10.00 for National SHRM Members and $20.00 for Non-SHRM Members if they go ahead and pay for the upcoming year’s membership dues.

    The Board decided to start invoicing members in November for renewal of membership dues as a reminder.

    Governmental Affairs/Diversity Report-Chava Case

    Chava emailed Judi some Legislative information since she wasn’t able to attend the Board Meeting.

    Chava is working with Wendy Matson on how to setup a “Day at the Legislature”.

    Chava didn’t have anything to add on Diversity.

    SHRM will be promoting the General Election to encourage people with the “Get out to Vote Campaign” on television networks. They hope this also encourages people to get more involved in the Election process.

    Newsletter-Chava Case

    Chava was unable to attend the meeting so there is no new information to report.

    Foundation Report-Rebecca Spitsbergen

    Andrea went over the Results of the Questionnaire Survey sent out to members on the interest of a HR Study Group. The overall results were to move forward with the HR Study group with a preference of 1-3 hours in length, Thursdays, and evenings.

    Rebecca submitted the Grant Application requesting the funding for the HR Study Group/SHRM Learning Center Material. Rebecca called the Department of Workforce Services and spoke with Sarah Reilly regarding the Wyoming Workforce Development Training Fund. This would have to be utilized and requested by the business for the employee wanting the skills upgrade training.

    Registration should open up in September for the Conference in Washington D.C. Chava was chosen by Leadership to attend the Conference. State Council budgeted for 2 representatives to attend the Conference. Originally, Judi & Diana would be interested in attending. Chava, Judi, and Nancy will be attending the Conference in Washington D.C. Meals are not included in the Registration price. State Council will pay for airfare, one night of Lodging. $650.00 was budgeted for the D. C. Conference. Judi wanted Nancy & Chava to be sure to register as soon as it becomes available because of hotel room availability.

    Secretary Report-Andrea Hixon

    Andrea invoiced the following for No Shows/No Payment for previous meetings:

    Jennifer McMaugh

    Trina Mosalik

    Kathy Kellner

    Marlene Sullivan

    John Ysebaert

    The Board discussed sending notices by mail for the 3rd notice of non-payment.

    Treasurer’s Report-Rebecca Spitsbergen

    Rebecca stated no recent deposit but she will deposit today. Rebecca wrote two checks this month for nametags and lunch payment for The Plains.

    Rebecca distributed copies of the Checking Account Balance of $10, 529.00.00 as of 06/30/2008.

    Andrea gave Rebecca checks for new memberships and outstanding invoices that were received.


    Next Board meeting will be on August 21st at 3:00pm in Room 208 at the City of Cheyenne.

    The meeting adjourned at 3:20 p.m.

    Respectfully submitted,

    Andrea Hixon

    FHRA Secretary 2008