Board of Director Meeting Minutes 07.16.09
Frontier Human Resource Association
Minutes of Board Meeting
July 16, 2009
The meeting came to order at 3:00 p.m. at The City of Cheyenne located at 2101 O’Neil Avenue in Room 208.
Five members were present at the meeting: Nancy Thayer, President; Chava Case, President-Elect; Andrea Hixon, Secretary; Judi Just, State Council Director; Renee Ashworth, Treasurer.
The board approved May and June Board Meeting Minutes.
Judi suggested removing National SHRM Members dues as a benefit to affiliate with our local chapter.
Officer Reports
President-elect report-Chava
Chava distributed the results from the survey sent out to members through Survey Monkey. Some of the data results were:
- 84% attend the meetings to network with each other
- Reasons not to attend the meeting were the topics of the presentations
- 85% would still attend if their employer didn’t pay for the meeting cost
- They like the educational meetings and HR updates
- We do a good job by keeping them informed of current updates
Chava wants to start recruiting core leadership now for 2010. She would like to do a Board orientation in December to be ready for the transition. We could open the floor to board members of who may want to be on the board. Judi suggested establishing a nomination committee for Board Members. Jan Felton with LCCC will be teaching classes on retention and leadership for volunteer boards. So, she may have some good ideas at the SHRM State Conference that we could utilize as best practices.
Chava is waiting on session descriptions for the August program since she already has the bio but needs the descriptions to submit the request for credits of the August meeting.
Chava discussed the idea of Separation, Termination, and Layoffs as a topic for the November meeting since we haven’t received more volunteers for the CEO panel other than from Attention Homes and the Holiday Inn. Chava hopes to find an attorney or Labor Standards to present on the topic.
The board discussed ways to get members more involved with FHRA. The color coded table seating didn’t work so we may need a personality meeting or more group activities to generate cooperation from the group. This would be good to implement at the December Holiday Event.
Secretary Report-Andrea Hixon
Andrea still has outstanding invoices for the following:
Michelle Bates-June No Show
Aaron Kor-May No Show
Andrea announced a new member, Andrew Worschek, whom that she visited with while he was in the country interviewing for a job once he retires from the military.
Treasurer Report-Renee Ashworth
Renee reported the balance of $10,015.33 in our budget.
Renee brought a list of attendees that attended the FHRA & Express Seminar. Renee will send out an invitation via email to the attendees regarding the September SHRM State Conference.
Membership Report-Renee Ashworth
Renee reported there was nothing new except for lots of inquires about the SHRM State Conference from the FHRA & Express Seminar. Renee plans on meeting with Janet Tilton to train and turn over the duties of Membership.
Old Business-
Andrea received the sponsorship check from the University of Phoenix and forwarded it to Rebecca Spitsbergen.
Chava plans on inviting Kevin Mason with Trac One to the conference.
At the last State Council meeting, Dianna Gould had an idea for each chapter to donate $100 to be the Grand Door Prize at the State Conference for a total of $400 for a Foundation Fundraiser by selling raffle tickets and 100% of what we sell would be donated to the Foundation.
Judi stated not to expect a basket from Casper for the State Conference. We should have one from Cheyenne, Gillette, and Sheridan though.
Renee stated they discussed focusing on vendors from previous years but not sure of success since most are from the Casper area. The Board discussed the following as good companies to personally invite to the State Conference:
Wyoming Tribune-Eagle
Blue Cross Blue Shield
Trader’s Publishing
A-Z Document Destruction
Warren FCU
Wells Fargo
Blackball Software Company
Verizon Wireless
Union Wireless
The board discussed types of gifts for the speakers with this topic to be brought up at the next State Conference meeting. Wyoming made products could be good ideas for speaker gifts. Nancy asked about the entertainment at Terry Bison Ranch and recommended Mistress Bordello who sings, plays guitar, comedy routine, etc.
The board discussed scholarships for FHRA members to the State Conference since we have $1,000 in the budget. The board discussed some criteria of application for the scholarships requiring an essay on the topic, “Why do you want to attend the Cheyenne State Conference?” Another idea is having the winners introduce the speakers at the Conference and at the October FHRA meeting having them give a presentation of what their experience was like.
Nancy is concerned about the volunteer component from the Casper State Conference since they didn’t ask for external assistance.
Casper’s membership is growing and may be turning around since Reid Barr has stepped up to help out.
Chava recommended sending out invitations by regular mail.
Rebecca has Pay Pal setup now so send out an email reminder invitation to the Cheyenne State Conference.
The Board discussed the basket for the Wyoming Business Leadership Fundraiser. Nancy hasn’t received any volunteers to be on the committee. Chava volunteered to help Nancy with the basket and decided to have a theme of “Cheyenne Frontier Days”. Judi suggested asking members to sell at least 10 tickets at $5 dollars a piece. Chava will design the ticket and Nancy will print them out.
HR Study Group- The group isn’t meeting again until fall. This will need to be announced at the meeting. Faith Wittenbach passed the test.
New Business-
Governmental Affairs-Chava stated nothing new on Healthcare Reform and, SHRM Legislative Call on new advocacy efforts is next week.
Newsletter-Andrea received several requests to keep the Newsletter in the old WORD format since most don’t have the newest software.
Other Business-Chava plans on attending Leadership in November.
Andrea asked for volunteers to record Board meeting minutes in August and Renee volunteered to assist her.
Next board meeting will be on August 20th at 3:00pm in Room 208 at the City of Cheyenne located at 2102 O’Neil Avenue.
The meeting adjourned at 4:55 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Andrea Hixon
Secretary 2009