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Board of Director Meeting Minutes 05.28.08

    Frontier Human Resource Association

    Minutes of Board Meeting

    May 28, 2008

    The meeting came to order at 8:10 a.m. at The Egg & I, 2300 Carey Avenue.

    Four members were present at the meeting: Judi Just, President; Nancy Thayer, President-Elect; Andrea Hixon, Secretary; Rebecca Spitsbergen, Treasurer; Chava Case, Legislative Chair.

    Approval of the last board meeting minutes with the additions/corrections per emails.

    Old Business

    State Council Conference will be held in Casper on September 25th & 26th at the Ramada Inn by the River. Wondering who will perform Leadership Training since LaShonne received a promotion. No additional information to report at this time since no known cost for the conference. We are still awaiting pertinent information such as registration to distribute to the group in order to promote the event. The Board discussed offering the same opportunity (paying registration cost) to Members who are interested in attending the conference.

    Half-Day Seminar

    The Board was disappointed that we didn’t have handouts of the PowerPoint presentation. Veronica is working on getting the presentation from Doug so that we can email out to the attendees of the seminar.

    Next time, stay in constant contact with the presenter/speaker.

    990-N (IRS report) Status

    Rebecca finished and mailed the necessary documents for this process.

    Leadership Conference

    Board voted and approved to send Nancy to the Leadership Conference in Washington D.C. on November 20-22, 2008. Judi will email registration and additional information to Nancy. Judi stated the convenience of getting a hotel at the conference site.

    Evaluation Forms from the Half-Day Seminar

    Most of the comments were good except for a few such as noise/background music in the hotel, no handouts, and room was hot.

    New Business

    For the June monthly meeting, Renee Ashworth has ordered 40 booklets for the presentation. Be sure to have Evaluation Forms out on the table for every meeting.

    The Board discussed ideas for the IceBreaker at the June meeting. Chava found some interesting ideas on the SHRM website (Volunteer Resource area) and will send those out to the Board.

    Speak to Darlene to see if she will handout the IceBreaker Activity to attendees or otherwise handout at check-in.

    Ideas for the Cheyenne State Conference

    Speaker for Legislative Issues (Chava will research and let the board know what she discovers).

    Date to schedule September 17 & 18 since Leadership is on September 16, 2009.

    Possible State Conference Titles presented by Judi were:

    o Great Minds Come Together

    o 3-2-1 Countdown to Change

    o Today’s Challenges-Tomorrow’s Opportunities

    o Driving the Wind of Change

    o Facing Our Future

    o Pathway to Success

    o Season of Change

    The Board narrowed down the selection to the following for the group to vote on in July and also to place in the Newsletter:

    v Driving the Wind of Change

    v Great Minds Come Together

    v Passport To Success

    v Facing Our Future

    The Board discussed the need to focus on creating a State Conference Committee

    Rebecca gave Judi the Convention Packet from The Plains Hotel. The Sleeping room rate is $72.00. Also, questions about parking for the length of the conference were discussed.

    President Elect Report-Nancy Thayer

    No President Elect Report other than Programs.

    Secretary Report-Andrea Hixon

    Andrea gave Rebecca checks/cash from the mail for new membership applications and invoices.

    Andrea invoiced the following for No Shows/No Payment for the April meeting and Half-Day Seminar:

    University of Phoenix, Trina Mosalik (4)-April luncheon

    Nancy Thayer-Seminar

    Jennifer McMaugh-Seminar

    SanGae Ramsey-Seminar

    Ken Lewis-Seminar

    Becki Hunter-April Luncheon

    Kathy Kellner-April Luncheon

    Andrea will include the Free Seminar for “Practical Solutions” by Monte Farrar with the June monthly meeting email invitation.

    Membership Report-Veronica Pedersen

    Veronica Pedersen was unable to attend the Board Meeting.

    We have a total of 45 members (25 National and 20 FHRA) at this time.

    Legislative Report-Chava Case

    Allen Andrews volunteered to join the Legislative Committee. Chava is beginning to prepare for the next legislative session.

    Chava will add the opportunity to volunteer for the different FHRA Committees to generate interest.

    GINA law passed/signed and information placed in the May Newsletter.

    New Child Labor Law-raising fines up to $100,000 for any Child Labor Violation such as Serious Injury, etc.

    Lily Ledbetter Act-Congress won’t pursue this year.

    Foundation Report-Rebecca Spitsbergen

    Scholarships & Grants

    Regional Scholarships with Deadline of July 15, 2008

    Judi distributed copies and encouraged the board to read through the SHRM Report for Wyoming State Council received from Dianna Gould.

    Place the “Advancing the Profession” information on our FHRA website. Judi will email Andrea the information.

    Treasurer’s Report-Rebecca Spitsbergen

    Rebecca distributed copies of the revised proposed budget with revisions on the seminar amounts and other changes requested such as removing printing & reproduction cost.


    Next Board meeting will be on June 24 at 11:30am in Room 208 at the City of Cheyenne.

    The meeting adjourned at 9:15 a.m.

    Respectfully submitted,

    Andrea Hixon

    FHRA Secretary 2008