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Board of Director Meeting Minutes 05.21.09

    SHRM Board meeting

    May 21st, 2009

    Present: Nancy Thayer, Judy Just, Renee Ashworth, Brenda Birkle

    April minutes were approved

    Officers Reports:

    President elect-

    Chava sent an email update.

    Presentation for June luncheon will be Monte Farrar from Express. Topic will be ADAAA and FMLA new update.

    Renee and Chava have been working out details for the ½ day seminar.

    Only lunch meetings left to discuss is Aug. and December holiday lunch.

    Will discuss the results form the survey we sent out. Received 25 responses. Positive feedback- in short the cost is not an issue, topic is more important.

    New email address for Chava is

    Secretary- no report

    Treasurer report- Renee reported we have $10320.84 in the bank.

    Membership- got a lead for a possible new member- Denise Freeman from WARM

    Legislative- no report

    Workforce & Diversity- Brenda Birkle reported they are working on programs concerning diversity, mentoring, soft skills, creating formal policies for tech issues. Decided to start on a smaller scale and grow as we need to add and develop things.

    Old Business:

    *State conference- would like to have all info for conference ready by the June meeting.

    *August program- possible CEO panel- only response is Attention Homes and Holiday Inn

    *Fundraiser basket for WBLN-need to create a committee to work on our chapter basket- Announce and ask for volunteers at luncheon.

    *Date change for may luncheon is the 26th

    *New member info- additional suggestions for new members

    Have a buddy system

    Send invoices out to all members in December for the annual renewal and add the punch card on the invoice

    *Addition of website on all information sent to members

    *Certification Training- still only one study member- meeting Tues and Thurs from 5-7

    *June program- it was agreed that we still need to have our monthly lunch

    give away a free luncheon a the seminar

    FHRA will pay for the breakfast- Renee will try to negotiate with Mandy the cost.

    Renee has flyers made up and will get to Andrea to email out to all members

    New business:

    Judy purchased a CD at the staffing conference for our library- $140 that needs to be reimbursed to her.

    Next meeting is June 18th at 11:30 in room 208 at the city building

    Submitted by Renee Ashworth