Board of Director Meeting Minutes 03/26/08
Frontier Human Resource Association
Minutes of Board Meeting
March 26, 2008
The meeting came to order at 11:40 a.m. in Room 208 of the Municipal Building, 2101 O’Neil Avenue.
Five members were present at the meeting: Chava Case, Legislative Chair; Judi Just, President; Andrea Hixon, Secretary; Rebecca Spitsbergen, Treasurer; Nancy Thayer, President Elect.
Judi brought the missing ethnic group on the Self-Identification Forms for State Council to the Board’s attention. This error will be addressed accordingly.
President Elect Report-Nancy Thayer
No President Elect Report except for Programs. No other news reported so Programs will be discussed later on in the meeting.
Secretary Report-Andrea Hixon
Andrea received payment for the March No Show for Bob Blanchard and she gave the check to Rebecca Spitsbergen.
Andrea will separate the amounts for Membership Dues and Monthly Lunch amounts on the spreadsheet.
Membership Report-Veronica Pedersen
Veronica Pedersen was unable to attend the Board Meeting.
Treasurer Report
Rebecca distributed the P & L Statement with the Checking Account balance of $8,669.53 as of 3/25/08. Rebecca is still working on the Budget.
Judi requested to separate the Membership Dues and Monthly Luncheon amounts on the form.
Legislative Report-Chava Case
Chava discovered a valuable Toolkit on the SHRM website on organizing Legislative Meeting.
Chava has June tentatively scheduled to start organizing the legislative project for FHRA.
Old Business-Programs
The Board discussed the following for meetings not scheduled:
- David Namura for the January 2009 meeting request him to speak on Legislative issues
- May half-day seminar still open with a potential speaker from LCCC for the topic, “Understanding Succession Planning for the Next Generation”
- “Taming the Beast” speaker-Brian Saboli
- “Always Welcome” Marla Lewis with the Cheyenne Business Leadership Network
- August meeting-Board considering Meth Topic with speaker Lisa Scholz
August, October, and November’s meeting topics are still open at this time.
After receiving confirmation for the May Half-Day Seminar, Andrea will perform the following tasks:
v Contact Connie Lester at The Plains Hotel for accommodations (Coffee, Continental Breakfast, and Break)
v Request Fruit Salad and Dessert to be placed on the tables before attendees arrive for the monthly meetings
v Create Flyers needed for the Seminar’s marketing to promote attendance
Judi discussed the HRCI credits since the process for approval is taking up to six weeks. Judi would like to have the information from Maryellen Tast for the May Half-Day Seminar to her by next week to allow for enough time to receive approval for the HRCI credits.
New Business
Judi discussed the request for a volunteer for the State Conference with a possible time commitment of 2-3 hours a week. Judi will consider volunteering for the task which includes determining what needs are left to finish. Also, registration information should be going out in June.
Rebecca received new copies of SHRM Foundation products such as DVD’s, Guidelines, and Booklets. Some topics covered are Ethics, Yahoo and Starbuck’s Story. Rebecca is considering renting the DVD’s out to members and donating the proceeds back to the SHRM Foundation. The titles for the DVD’s are:
Trust Travels: The Starbucks Story
HR in Alignment
HR Role Models
Ethics: The Fabric of Business
Fueling the Talent Engine
Next Board meeting will be on April 22 at 11:30 in Room 208 at the City of Cheyenne.
The meeting adjourned at 12:50 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Andrea Hixon
FHRA Secretary 2008