Board of Director Meeting Minutes 02/26/08
Frontier Human Resource Association
Minutes of Board Meeting
February 26, 2008
The meeting came to order at 11:30 a.m. in Room 208 of the Municipal Building, 2101 O’Neil Avenue.
Five members were present at the meeting: Chava Case, Legislative Chair; Judi Just, President; Andrea Hixon, Secretary; Rebecca Spitsbergen, Treasurer; Nancy Thayer, President Elect.
President’s Elect Report-Nancy Thayer
Judi asked Nancy if she had a President’s Elect Report except for Programs. No other news reported so Programs will be discussed later on in the meeting.
Secretary Report-Andrea Hixon
Andrea sent out 2 invoices for No Shows at the February meeting for Sandy Bordson and Nancy Thayer.
Judi mentioned streamlining of sending Primary Designation Forms to National SHRM. Rebecca has been faxing the forms to National when she receives the forms in the mail. File the Chapter Designation forms separately because of issues resulting in re-sending forms multiple times to National SHRM to make sure we receive reimbursement for National SHRM members in our FHRA chapter.
Judi mentioned that we should receive a check from National for 31 SHRM members.
Andrea will email the current membership spreadsheet to Veronica Pedersen.
Membership Report-Veronica Pedersen
Veronica Pedersen was unable to attend but Andrea Hixon reported the current FHRA membership of 27 members with 5 of which are new to FHRA this year.
Andrea will email the names of the new members to Chava Case in order to place the names in the next newsletter.
Treasurer Report
Rebecca distributed the Checking Account Detail with a balance of $8,385.05 as of 2/26/08. Rebecca also gave copies of the Bank Statement with an ending balance of $7,676.55 as of January 31, 2008.
Judi asked about the status of the payment received for the Sponsorship and it was completed.
Budget for this year will be based off last year with a 5% increase.
Legislative Report-Chava Case
Reed Barr mentioned Background check requirements for Mortgages.
Family Medical Leave Act proposed changes to revamp the existing policy by implementing more responsibilities of the employee. Chava will email these detailed FMLA requests to be forwarded out to Members. For example, if on a FMLA then Attendance/Incentive programs not applicable for the employee. Another proposal in the works is more flexibility of HIPPA that will allow employers to request verification from Doctors regarding the legitimacy of length of the employee’s absence.
Old Business-Programs
Nancy Thayer has met with Ken Dugas and has a list of a variety of topics
March meeting- Larry Hammons with Worker’s Compensation with the Department of Employment will be presenting on “How to Prepare for a Worker’s Compensation Hearing and Information on the Employer’s Monthly Claims Statement”. Also, time permitting viewing of the Starbuck’s video.
April meeting- Dave Iverster RN with Department of Health presenting on Statistics
Nancy will contact Susan Alms regarding the topic of “Establishing a Wellness Program”.
May Half-Day Seminar (Tentative)-“Workplace Diversity” Topic
June meeting- Russ with Express Personnel topics:
Choice 1-Manage conflict and change to Enhance Morale & Team Building
Choice 2-Recognizing and avoiding hazards in Discipline
Other possible meeting/presentation topics were:
Gen Y-Jason (Speaker with the State of Wyoming)
Wage and Gender Disparity Gap
Mock Trials based on real cases (Nancy will check with Local Attorneys)
Economic Analysis-Dick O’Ghara
July meeting-EEOC District Representative
August & November meeting-still open
Lisa Stolz is the new Coordinator for Meth Awareness with the City of Cheyenne, ask her to present at the August meeting.
September meeting- No meeting because of State Council Meeting
January Board Minutes were approved.
Judi brought copies of the FHRA business cards that she ordered with no cost for cards and $10 for shipping. The Board discussed purchasing a Standard Business card that would have FHRA Board Member, and general contact information. The Board also discussed adding the SHRM & FHRA logo (wagon) to the future business card order. Also, will check the possibility of buying the business cards locally and shop around for prices.
New Business
The Board discussed the issue with the announcements at the last meeting. The Board decided to limit announcements to the following:
- Moved Jobs
- New to HR position
- 1st time at the meeting
- HR Openings
- Company reorganization
By redefining what announcements are to the attendees then this will allow the attendees to utilize the Five Minute Commercial or the Sponsorship per its original intent.
Table Layout change at The Plains Hotel for 1-8ft table and 1-4ft table
Judi reiterated the importance of a Board Member being at each table to initiate the IceBreaker topic while waiting for meal(s). Nancy will pick an IceBreaker topic for the March meeting and have Darlene distribute to attendees.
Reminder to invite trainees/graduates of the HR Certification class to FHRA meetings.
Rebecca Spitsbergen will have information on the scholarships available to National SHRM members at every FHRA monthly meeting.
Next Board meeting will be on March 25 at 11:30 in Room 208 at the City of Cheyenne.
The meeting adjourned at 1:10 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Andrea Hixon
FHRA Secretary 2008