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Board of Director Meeting Minutes 02/24/09

    FHRA Board meeting 2/24/09

    Present: Nancy Thayer, Judy Just, Chava Case, Renee Ashworth

    Meeting called to order at 11:35am

    Corrections or additions to last months meeting:

    Change the date at the top to read 2009

    Old Business:

    SHRM Library- Nancy has been working with the teachers at Attention Home to order small envelopes and cards that can be attached to the books for checkout. She is setting it up like a true library system. She will order the supplies and her teachers are willing to help her get it put together. She would like to then feature a book a month at the luncheons, and talk about the checkout procedure.

    Contract for Holiday Inn- Nancy has been receiving a new contract for every monthly luncheon meeting. She has told them that she is done signing contracts- they should have the annual one on record.

    State Conference update-

    How do we promote the conference. Do not feel the chamber membership is going to give us the benefit of “statewide” recognition. Judy will talk to the Colorado groups when she attends regional meetings next month and see if Colorado would be willing to trade promoting each others conferences.

    We need to push the local chapters to promote the conference in their areas- do morning TV shows, radio- look for free non-profit

    Next meeting is March 3rd

    Day at the Legislature-

    Excellent response, ideas for next time- tour the historic governor’s mansion. Think of ways to keep everyone together and engaged, we lost a few along the way.

    A suggestion we rec’d from the luncheon was to hold a meeting in Laramie. Could be an option if we planned something that was a half-day program. We do not feel our members would be willing to drive to Laramie just for the lunch.



    Chava has spoken with Andrea about doing a presentation about the services our local workforce Center offers.

    April-John DeGairo

    May- open perhaps a seminar

    Aug. - Ken Dugas

    Renee has contact names of some people from the state that may be willing to do a presentation fro SHRM. She will e-mail those to Chava.

    Checking Account-

    Renee said that Rebecca was not able to get information about an audit for this year, so we decided to put on hold until next year and hit it hard in Sept/Oct to get it done.

    Renee is having a hard time getting on line for the bank account- she has Wells Fargo looking into the problem.

    Chamber Benefits-

    It was decided to only pay the $150 for our membership. Do not feel we would use the benefits.

    Judy moved and Chava seconded the motion.

    Renee will mail a check to them

    New Business


    Divisional Change in Wyo. Chapters

    Concerns about affiliation of smaller areas to Cheyenne or Gillette Chapters. Would we have to be 100% state to implement the program?

    Judy was going to try and have conversation with other states that are doing this and see how it is working. Seems like a lot of responsibility on the state council people. Division of money is also a concern.

    Committee Report-

    Programs- covered earlier

    Membership- Renee has contacted all the existing members on our list to encourage renewal, Judy is going to try and get an at-large membership so Renee can contact those members to affiliate with our chapter.

    Gov’t Affairs/Diversity- Chava reported a lot of things are taking place right now that will be a major impact on HR

    *Cobra payments- 65% paid by employer if involuntary termination from 9/08 to 12/09, this becomes effective march 1st.

    *Extended Unemployment Benefits

    *increase of unemployment of $25 per week, and $2500 is exempt on income taxes

    *Healthcare Stimulus

    * E-Verify is no longer being used


    Newsletter- Rico- not there

    Foundation- Barb- not there

    Secretary- Andrea sent an email of things to cover-

    We had 2 new members-Mary Petroski and Birgit Burke.

    Outstanding invoices for Becki Hunter for the no-show at Jan meeting- should we invoice?

    How should we handle the no-shows for the Feb meeting? No discussion done

    We need to look at adding more board members- Nancy has left messages for Barb about out foundation position and had no response.

    We could use someone in:

    Government Affairs


    Workforce Readiness

    Membership or a committee

    Judy recommends we not double up on our positions- we all need to brainstorm on that would be good for the board.

    Meeting adjourned at 12:50