Board of Director Meeting Minutes 01/24/08
Frontier Human Resource Association
Minutes of Board Meeting
January 24, 2008
The meeting came to order at 11:35 a.m. in Room 208 of the Municipal Building, 2101 O’Neil Avenue.
Seven members were present at the meeting: Chava Case, Legislative Chair; Judi Just, President; Andrea Hixon, Secretary; Rebecca Spitsbergen, Treasurer; Nancy Thayer, President Elect; Renee Ashworth, and Susan Alms, Membership Committee.
President’s Report-Judi Just
Judi apologized for not having an agenda prepared for the meeting.
Judi will bring the FHRA business cards next time for the Board. The business cards were free except for shipping charges. The entire board will be able to utilize them every year since no specific board member information is displayed on the cards.
- Align/Brittany has reserved Sponsorship for the month of February with payment received of $150.
Chava requested a 2x4 advertisement for the Monthly Newsletter. The board discussed if larger ads are received then we will make a decision on a case by case basis for the price. Judi or Andrea will contact The Plains Hotel to request a table in the back of the room for Align.
Programs Committee
Judi received confirmation of the speaker Jeremy Hamilton with Warren Federal Credit Union for the February monthly meeting. Program coverage will be on company specific instead of personal identity. Judi reminded the board to bring questions for Jeremy. The Starbuck’s video will be used if the length of his presentation isn’t long enough for the entire meeting.
March seminar may be pushed back to April depending on final confirmation of speakers. Final decision will be made by the middle of next week. The following speakers were discussed by the board:
Don Hogart with Department of Employment will present on Worker’s Compensation 101-How to read reports and how to understand the process. Approximate length of program is one hour.
Brad Cave will be asked to present on Family Medical Leave Act-Extension for Family (pending Legislation).
Nancy Thayer will contact Brad Cave to firm up which month to present to the group. Andrea will contact Larry Hammons once we receive the outcome. The goal is to try for a half-day seminar in March or April depending on the speaker’s availability. Pending confirmation of the speaker’s availability, the tentative speakers for the March or April Seminar are Brad Cave, Don Hogart, and Larry Hammond.
Other ideas tossed around for the March meeting were about an Economic Development Panel to include the Chamber of Commerce, Dale Steenbergen; Cheyenne LEADS, Randy Bruns; and Wyoming Center for Business & Economic Analysis, Dick O’Gara; and Department of Workforce Services, Irene Larson.
The board considered contacting Patty from EEOC for the May program. June not discussed and July program already planned with the District Representative from EEOC. August program wasn’t discussed and no program for September.
Other suggestions for programs from the Board were:
- Russ Moran with Express Personnel-Performance Appraisal presentation. Renee will contact Russ regarding his availability to present for the group.
- Generational Differences in the Workplace
- Retention
- Mock Interview Panel
- Mock Trials
- Wellness programs-How employers can encourage their employees to participate
- Safety
- Benefit Survey
- Joyce with State Council plans on visiting the chapters so try to coordinate accordingly with our meeting
- Workplace Diversity
- Steve speaker from National SHRM (Nancy received his contact information)
- Tour of Wal-Mart Distribution Center
- Meth Awareness
- Toast Master
Membership Report-Veronica Pedersen
Veronica Pedersen unable to attend but the New Membership Committee volunteers Susan Alms and Renee Ashworth present at the meeting.
Rebecca Spitsbergen will forward the paid membership applications to Andrea Hixon in order to update files and website.
Lori Narva became a member after the board contacted her from the Membership At Large List.
Ideas to promote membership given to Renee and Susan were:
*Looking at the Want Ads
*Contact HR Managers
*Referrals to FHRA when conducting everyday business contacts
Legislative Report-Chava Case
Chava stated that Allen Andrews signed up for the Legislative Committee.
Secretary Report-Andrea Hixon
Andrea sent out 3 invoices for the January FHRA meeting.
Andrea will attach the Membership Application and Primary Designation forms to the email invitations from this point forward.
Treasurer Report-Rebecca Spitsbergen
Rebecca distributed the Checking Account Detail Report and Profit & Loss Statement to the Board. The beginning balance on 12/31/06 was $4,124.07 with an ending balance on 12/31/07 of $6,973.59. Current Checking Account Balance as of 01/24/08 is $7,729.59.
We sold 2 punch cards at the January meeting.
Judi stated that we are in the Black and were able to give back to our members this past year.
Newsletter Report
Announce Darlene Kaelin’s donation of $19.50 back to National SHRM from her 50/50 winnings at the January meeting.
Ideas of additional information to insert into newsletter:
v Members on the Move
v New Members
v Special Recognition to Members of recent achievement
President Elect Report-Nancy Thayer
No report this month
The meeting adjourned at 1:15 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Andrea Hixon
FHRA Secretary 2008